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Re: Use crypto, face a death squad

In message <[email protected]> Peter wrote:

> There have been various rumours and comments over the past few years that
> the 
> use of crypto in certain countries (Syria, Iraq, possibly China) is very 
> dangerous for the end user, but very little actual evidence to substantiate
> this. 
> [snip, with reference to Iraq]
>  He can't remember the exact details any more, but the implication was 
> that any encrypted messages sent to them would result in them quietly 
> dissapearing.

So a possible consequence of someone from Iraq being obnoxious on a
mailing list, to someone in the know, could be several PGP-encrypted
mails dumped in their inbox... A little extreme, for us gentles, but the
threat should be effective.

Of course, spamming every Iraqui email address you could find with encoded
mail could cause a _lot_ of trouble.

Tim G.