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ADMIN: lost messages (fwd)

Forwarded message:

> From: Jeff Barber <[email protected]>
> Subject: ADMIN: lost messages
> Date: Thu, 23 Oct 1997 08:22:06 -0400 (EDT)

> CPunks list administrators,
> There appears to be an occasional breakdown in the list
> distribution/reflection.  I am sometimes seeing responses to articles
> that I haven't received.  For example, a message from 
> [email protected] has been the subject of several
> follow-ups (according to their In-reply-to fields, it is message
> ID <[email protected]>).

Yes, there are occassional breakdowns in the communications between the
list remailers. The reason that there are several of them is if one goes
down for more than a few minutes the whole lists doesn't go down which would
occur if we were still on a single remailer.

In cases such as this I would suggest checking the archives provided by a
couple of sites (I thought since I don't check the archives).

> Any clues?

Things get lost on occassion?

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