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Re: ADMIN: lost messages (fwd)

Jim Choate writes:

> Yes, there are occassional breakdowns in the communications between the
> list remailers. The reason that there are several of them is if one goes
> down for more than a few minutes the whole lists doesn't go down which would
> occur if we were still on a single remailer.

I understand this rationale.  But that doesn't explain what's 
happening to the missing messages.  Is there a flaw in the 
distributor/reflector duplicate-filtering algorithms?  Or is this
a problem of certain messages being introduced into a node whose
product does not get propagated to all subscribers of all the other
nodes?  Or are you saying that if ssz (say) goes down for a few
minutes it forgets about any mail it has queued up for its
counterparts at cyberpass and algebra (et al.)?

-- Jeff