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Re: [RANT] Why America Can't Compete


In <[email protected]>, on 10/23/97 
   at 12:11 PM, Eric Cordian <[email protected]> said:

>I've just uncovered a massive plot to destroy our nation's
>competitiveness and inculcate its young people in the
>collectivist mentality.
>The tool?  Youth sports!
>This morning's AP wire reports that two football coaches are suing a
>youth football league after being banned for life because their 11 and 12
>year old players won by too large a point spread.
>Apparently, and I find this truly shocking, it is a common
>practice in youth sports today to have a rule limiting the number of
>points by which a game may be won, with horrendous sanctions for
>violating it.  Winning by more than that, it is argued, is "demoralizing"
>to the other team, and (Gasp!) UNETHICAL!
>Once the designated point spread is reached, coaches must order their
>players to deliberately lose, play badly, and act retarded.
>I became aware of this idiotic practice after I mentioned the AP article
>to several people, and rather than throwing up their arms in horror, they
>volunteered that their own local teams had such rules as well.
>It's time to check closely, to make sure such shenanigans are not afoot
>in your town, polluting the entrepreneurial spirit of your very own
>Imagine if Ross Perot had played on such a team, or Bill Gates, or Adolf
>Hitler?  The entire course of history might have been changed.

This is nothing new. It the same old socialist philosphy of "equality of
outcome". You see it everywhere in the country from Wefair, SS, EEO,
outcome based education, ... It is a discusting philosphy that rewards
incompentance and punishes achevment, the ultimate in "politics of envy".

- -- 
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William H. Geiger III  http://www.amaranth.com/~whgiii
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