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Re: Singaporean control freaks & CMR (Re: puff pieces vs tough crypto issues)

Hi.  For the sake of sanity and completeness, the following has to be

> Declan McCullagh <[email protected]> writes:
> > The relevance? Another example of Singapore's loony politics. Strict social
> > controls and relative economic freedom. I find it fascinating in light of
> > Net-filtering and other attempts at restricting information flow; if you
> > don't, well, you can always delete it. :)
> The net-filtering and social control aspects of Singapore are very
> interesting.  Seems that somewhere like Singapore might be an earlier
> adopter of mandatory GAK -- social ills have hugely disproportionate
> treatment over there.  I hear (and our Singaporean contributer
> confirms) that chewing gum is illegal, jay walking too.  (Hey you have
> the jay walking laws in the US too don't you?)  (I missed the social
> control aspect of the vote for kewlest public toilet story).

Chewing gum per se is not illegal.  I just cannot buy them from any store
in Singapore.  I can chew to my heart's content.  I can go up north to 
Malaysia, buy a whole month's supply of gum (name your flavour) and bring
it back into Singapore.  

So, what is moronically illegal is that I cannot sell that pack of gum.

Harish Pillay                             	  [email protected]
Singapore      *** Ask me about Linux *** http://home.pacific.net.sg/~harish