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Re: CMR versus GAK? (fwd) > Right to monitor (fwd)

Forwarded message:

> From: [email protected] (Lutz Donnerhacke)
> Subject: Re: CMR versus GAK? (fwd) > Right to monitor
> Date: 24 Oct 1997 14:01:04 GMT

> >Does the owner of a resource have an inherent right to control that
> >resource and if so what are the boundaries?
> He has this right until he touchs the rights of other people. So he have not
> all rights he might want.
> >Does the user of a resource have rights outside the purvue of the owner
> >of that resource and if so what are the boundaries?
> Do you own your house? If not, why do you stop your house owner from
> snooping in your flat? It's his ressource. Why do you encrypt e-mails over
> your provider's lines? It's his ressource.
> If privacy is outlawed in offices, nobody can work legally.

If this is the best argument and explanation of them you can muster then
quit now.

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