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Re: CMR versus GAK? (fwd) > Right to monitor (fwd)

Forwarded message:

> From: "William H. Geiger III" <[email protected]>
> Date: Fri, 24 Oct 97 09:00:38 -0500
> Subject: Re: CMR versus GAK? (fwd) > Right to monitor

> >The bottem line is:
> >Does the owner of a resource have an inherent right to control that
> >resource and if so what are the boundaries?
> Yes, and the boundaries should be very few. Things like just because you
> own a hammer doesn't give you the right to hit people over the head. But
> as far as setting policies on how a resource can be used and what
> conditions must be met before using them it should be without limit. If
> you don't like it the don't use it and go get your own.

But what are the boundaries? How do you tell when a particular action has
crossed them?

> >Does the user of a resource have rights outside the purvue of the owner
> >of that resource and if so what are the boundaries?
> No they do not. If the user of a resource does not like the conditions set
> by the owner for the use of that resource then they should not use it.

They don't? What if the resource is a requirement for a normal life?
Is simple ownership a license to steal or abuse? How do you even describe
them in a general sense? What if the owner of a resource decides to change
the fair use policy? Shouldn't the user have a say in what those conditions
are? Is simply agreeing to be a user of a resource license for the owner to
use that dependency to manipulate the user?

No, your answers are better than the other persons but not by much.

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