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> Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 21:15:11 +0200 (MET DST)
> From: [email protected] (Anonymous)
> Subject: Re: PGP Employee on MKR

> It sounds like everybody is in agreement, then.  Companies have the
> right to ask their employees to give up some privacy, time, and
> effort.

> Given that the governments of the world are the source of nearly all
> privacy problems, it seems unlikely that an appeal to government is
> likely to be productive.
> Monty Cantsin
> Editor in Chief
> Smile Magazine

Monty, without a doubt that is the stupidest thing you have ever said on
this list.

If a company makes your employment contingent on something you don't like,
change jobs. DON'T need laws, don't want laws that get involved in this.
This is *STRICTLY* a civil contract issue between the two parties, PERIOD.

Why is it that so many people start discussions regarding social issues and
then meander into government issues, or visa versa, without ANY recognition
of their schizophrenia?

Personaly, I blame it on spin doctors like yourself.

At least I have the satisfaction knowing that in no way am I contributing to
putting food on your table, making your car payments, or paying off your drug

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