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Re: poverty traps (Re: Sa


 > Harka <[email protected]> wrote:

 > That may indeed work for some people, but the argument of
 > "self-discipline and sacrifice" usually goes overboard once
 > people _other than yourself_ are severely affected by that.
 > "Sorry hun, you can't have a new winter-coat. Mommy has to save
 > enough money so that she can choose the people she works for.
 > And no...no christmas this year either".

 -=> Quoting In:[email protected] to Harka <=-

 In> That is indeed a sad financial state to be in.  I have trouble
 In> believing it though.

[examples of well-fares deleted]

 In> So if any kids are being deprived of winter clothes or
 In> whatever, it's not because their parents don't have enough
 In> money, it's because their parents are stupid, or selfish.

Although my statement was deliberately somewhat exaggerated, it is
not that far from reality for quite a few people I know.

A real-life example:

A single (divorced) mother, 4 kids (3-12 years), working full-time
and making in theory $42 000/year. After taxes that comes down to
$2000 cash per month.

In order for her to be able to work her two youngest kids go to a
day-care-center. Wham! $1000 per month (hiring a baby-sitter would
amount to even more).
Her apartment costs $800/month excluding utilities. That leaves
$200 (+ $800 she gets in child-support) per month for _five_ people
to live on (clothes, food, utilities, school-books, gas for the
car, etc.etc.)

One thousand dollars per month for five people!! And that in New
York City!
She is not entitled to any support such as free school-meals for
the kids etc., because she "makes too much money" (_before_ taxes,
of course!)

What efforts has she made to make "herself more marketable"? She has
been working ever since the age of 16, went 8 years to College (paid
by herself and paying rent at the same time) and now has a Masters
Degree in teaching.

What has it brought her? Bill-collectors calling every day!

She made a calculation and (confirming your statement) came to the
conclusion, that she indeed would have _more_ money by not working
at all and simply going on welfare.

However, that is not a choice she wants to make.

Is she to be called "stupid" and "selfish" because she's poor
despite her efforts???

I don't think so. She, btw., is not the only person I know
struggeling in this manner from one month into the next, barely
being able to even catch up on bills.

Neither does she have a free choice of employers. There is only one
board of education in the City. Changing for a private school would
come with (at least a temporary) pay-cut, that she obviously can't


Since she isn't the only person I can think of, who is in such a
position, the argument formerly known as "If 'ya don't like the
company-policy [employing GAK/CAK] just leave and work for
somebody else" may now be called: "Ad Acta".



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... Don't you hate it when the pessimists are right all the time?

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