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Re: Singaporean control freaks & CMR (Re: puff pieces vs tough crypto issues)
Blanc wrote:
> Harish Pillay wrote:
> >I don't think the "micro management" is at it's worst in Singapore - not by
> >a long shot. It is true that the Singapore government tries to do so and
> >in a lot of what they attempt, they somehow come out smelling roses. But
> >they have goofed up royally as well.
> ...................................................................
> If you don't mind my asking in front of everybody, how do you stand it,
> living there? Do you get very frustrated (it sounds as though you might),
> and want to leave for Anguilla? Do you remind yourself not to litter with
> those gum wrappers you're not supposed to have anyway, what do you think
> when you're being incentivized to find a sexual partner and produce
> children, or to Do This and Not do That or risk painful punishments? Do
> co-workers become critical of each other's petty "crimes", do you feel
> opressed all around, or is it not as bad as it seems from here?
Q: "Why do you beat your head against the wall?"
A: "Because it feels so good when I stop!"
Q: "Why don't you stop beating your head against the wall?"
A1: "It's illegal to stop."
A2: "It goes against tradition/religion/beliefs/society to stop."
A3: "I'll make less money if I stop."
A3: ...ad infinituum...
I was going to speak my true mind about the Waco tragedy at work,
but I was coming up for a promotion...
I was going to speak my true mind about the Waco tragedy at the PTA
meeting, but I didn't want it to look like I was supporting child
I was going to speak my true mind about the Waco tragedy to my
company bowling team, but most of them are rednecks.
I was going to speak my true mind about the Waco tragedy to my spouse,
but she would tell her parents my views, and her father, the Sheriff,
is going to lend us the down-payment on a house.
I was going to speak my true mind about the Waco tragedy to our
children, but they go to a very conservative school, and I don't want
them to rock the boat and destroy their future.
I was going to speak my true mind about the Waco tragedy...
Q: "If 1984 was so terrible, why didn't Winston just move to another
A: "Duuhhh..."
"It may be a prison, but it's *MY* prison."
"I'm thinking of painting the walls chartreuse, do you think it will
go well with the scarlett bars on the window? (I had to take the bars
out of the windows to sand them, but I put them back in so that the
Warden won't cut off my exercise privileges.)"