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The Anti-Privacy Agenda of Gary Burnore/DataBasix (was: Re: Netcom ripped me off)

[email protected] wrote:

> > Close, except that you post under the pseudonym "moonman3" instead.
> > So unless your "real name" is "Moonman", it's more of the typical
> > hypocrisy that spews forth from Gary Burnore and the DataBasix gang.
> > Since most of Gary's "supporters" (including you) seem to post from
> > Netcruiser accounts with phony pseudonyms ("eridani", "moonman3",
> > "wotan", "tweek", etc.) it's counter-productive for you to whine
> > too loudly about posting with "real names".  Could it be that Gary
> > is pi**ed when he sees a post with which he disagrees and which
> > doesn't have an address which he can "spam bait", mail bomb, etc.?
> [email protected] is my legitimate address.
> Too bad for you that you have to hide behind the skirts of a remailer.
> Something about your childhood?
> > Gary Burnore could suddenly acquire even more "supporters" like you if he
> > could only afford to pay for a few more throwaway Netcom accounts with
> > cutesy "names".
> "eridani", "moonman3", "wotan", "tweek", etc. are all valid addresses.
> We do not hide behind a remailer.

More classic double-speak from the DataBasix Gang, I see...

Nice try at changing the subject, but it's you, Gary Burnore <[email protected]>,
and Belinda Bryan <[email protected]> that made such a pitiful whine about the
need to post with "real names".  It's irrelevant whether the pseudonyms you use at
Netcom are "legitimate addresses" or not.  Anonymity involves concealing your NAME,
not your ADDRESS.  Since your post does not contain your name, it's an ANONYMOUS
post, just like mine is.

Unless you're trying to claim that "moonman3" is your "real name", then you're a
whining hypocrite.  Personally, I don't care what your "real name" is.  You have every
right to "hide behind the skirts of" a pseudonym, if you so choose.  But if you do so,
you have no right to criticize someone who utilizes a remailer to protect his/her
privacy rather than an ISP like Netcom.

Like it or not, my e-mail address is my personal property.  If I want someone to send
e-mail to me, I'll give it to them.  I need not broadcast it indiscriminately to
accomplish that purpose.  I need not subject myself to the abuse that seems to befall
those who dare to publicly challenge Gary Burnore and his tactics as the price of
free speech.  Such abusive tactics are a form of de facto censorship.

Without censorship, things can get terribly confused in the public mind.

 -- General William Westmoreland