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Re: DEA trying to subpoena book dealers
At 11:44 AM 10/30/1997 -0600, Igor Chudov @ home wrote:
>How about a big dog (living in a doghouse or inside the home) that is
>properly trained? I think that it is the best and most sensitive early
>warning system.
Invading Feds shoot big dogs, though I suppose gunshots are a warning.
Little yappy annoying dogs are often a more sensitive early warning
system, and aren't perceived as a threat.
>> >Another question about home defense: it must be really inconvenient
>> >to perform all these self-defense actions naked, which would obviously
>> >happen during these night raids and robberies.
>> >Is that a problem, and if yes, what are the solutions?
Makes it easier for cops to see that you're not a threat,
or that you are a threat. If your underwear's not Kevlar,
it's not contributing much to the process, and cops are
probably more embarassed about beating up naked people.
On the other hand, naked with blue woad warpaint is a different game :-)
Bill Stewart, [email protected]
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