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Encryption Policy in the Spotlight At Free-Market.Net

From: "Free-Market.Net" <[email protected]>
Subject: FMNews: Encryption Spotlight, Deadline for Drawing

Free-Market.Net News Announcement

In this update:

        * Encryption Policy in the Spotlight

        * Spooky Deadline for Lifetime Membership Give-Away

Encryption Policy in the Spotlight

If you're a little unclear about the difference between
56-bit and 128-bit encryption keys, or the difference between
the U.S. government's Clipper Chip and their key escrow plan,
come check out the Policy Spotlight. This month's issue gives
a basic overview of the science and politics of encryption,
and then offers a couple dozen kilobytes of links for more

We recommend free-market materials from the likes of the Cato
Institute, Reason Magazine, HotWired, Forbes, David Friedman,
Phil Zimmerman, and Free-Market.Net advisor Bill Frezza.
There's also some anti-encryption materials, for you serious
students with a strong stomach. And if you're feeling
adventurous, there are some fun links like the one that lets
you become an international arms trafficker with the click
of a button (by sending code for an encryption program to
a server overseas).

J.D. Tuccille has contributed a Media Spotlight called
"Frustrating the Snoops." As happens oh-so-rarely, the mass
media seems to be on our side on this one. As J.D. writes,
"The personal stake that journalists have in protecting free
speech and keeping secrets pretty much made it a given that
once they grasped the concept, they'd become big fans --
and users -- of encryption.... Now, if we could only get more
reporters to run small businesses, shoot and ride motorcycles
without helmets."

Come check out the Policy Spotlight at:

After you do, hop on over to the Free-Market Forum
on encryption, and hop on the soapbox yourself.

Spooky Halloween Deadline for Lifetime Membership Give-Away

When the clock strikes midnight on Halloween -- October 31 --
you'd better be registered to win this month's free lottery,
or else... or else... you can *not* win!

I'm sorry to scare you like that, but it's true. Friday is
the deadline for entries in this month's drawing for a free
lifetime membership in Free-Market.Net. One of you will win
this special membership next week. (And it is special, even
donors that have given $1,000 or more don't have lifetime

Although membership doesn't give you access to any information
that isn't open to the public, it does give you some special
benefits. As a member, you could receive fully-customized
reports with the new events, home pages, contests, jobs, etc.
that are of interest to you. You would also get a permanent
e-mail alias, like <[email protected]>; and a home page
on the Free-Market.Net Web site. These are just some of
the tangible membership benefits -- as a member you can
participate in the Free-Market.Net community and help shape
how we promote free-market ideas online.

Stop by <http://www.free-market.net/about/members.html>
for more info on memberships and how to join, and stop by
<http://www.free-market.net/features/lottery/> to sign-up
for the lottery.

Remember, even if you have entered a lottery before, you
still need to register to win each month. It's no big deal.
It just requires your e-mail address and approximately
33.5 seconds.

Yours in Liberty,


P.S. We're lining up a fun lottery prize for next month.
Laissez Faire Books is going to offer an autographed 25th
anniversary edition of "It Usually Begins with Ayn Rand"
by Jerome Tuccille (J.D.'s dad). Sorry to gush, but I
absolutely love this book. It's a semi-fictionalized history
of the modern libertarian movement in the 60's and early 70's.
Real fun stuff.

 Chris Whitten <mailto:[email protected]>

 Free-Market.Net: The online database of the free-market movement.
 The Henry Hazlitt Foundation <http://www.hazlitt.org/>
        401 N. Franklin, Suite 3E, Chicago, IL 60610

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