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Small is beautiful

-----Forwarded message from /nev/[email protected]

1997-10-04	Million Microbe March

We are proud to announce the Million Microbe March. On December 29, 1997,
a crowd of one million microbes will converge on Bethesda, Maryland. They
will meet there on the lawn of the National Institutes of Health, and spend
the entire day expressing solidarity, atonement, and genes.
    This is NOT going to be a celebration of diversity. While it is true
that microbes have participated in the Million Man March, the Million Woman
March, the Promisekeepers' March, and other anthropocentric marches, the
Million Microbe March is just for microbes.
    There is a large spiritual aspect to the March. Too long have too many
denied the spiritual nature of the microbial community. Too often have
microbes been tormented or killed because otherwise compassionate beings
denied the simple fact that microbes have souls.
    We ask you to please remember the official slogan of the Million Microbe
March. If you or one near to you is going on the March, please chant the
slogan long, loud, and often:
    Small is beautiful. Small is beautiful. Small is beautiful.

-----End of forwarded message-----

Kent Crispin				"No reason to get excited",
[email protected]			the thief he kindly spoke...
PGP fingerprint:   B1 8B 72 ED 55 21 5E 44  61 F4 58 0F 72 10 65 55