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Re: Got an IRS horror story?

Declan McCullagh wrote:
> >>      House Republicans opened a new Internet site Wednesday "to collect
> >>IRS horror stories from the American people."
> >>      The new site is on the House Republican Conference's World Wide Web
> >>page. It's aimed at giving "the American people the opportunity to share
> >>the frightening experiences they have had when dealing with the IRS as
> >>Congress prepares to pass significant IRS reform," GOP lawmakers said in
> >>a statement.
> >>      The site is http://hillsource.house.gov.
> >>      APTV-10-29-97 1907EST

Anybody notice that the Big Grey is putting the screws to many of 
the agencies, etc. which aren't already under their control?
Has anyone noticed a common denominator between those whom Big
Grey is maneuvering into key power positions?

Anyone going to be terribly surprised, now that the Line-Item Veto
has been passed, if our next President is from the ranks of the
Big Grey?

Question: "Who will be the most important government figure in the 
         U.S. if the Y2K problem leads to financial chaos?"
Tongue in cheek Answer: Inspector #7. [Mattress Division]
