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> Anonymous wrote:
> >
> > Is there an archive of various papers concerning such things as Assassination
> > Politics, Eternity Servers, Reputation Capital, The Blowfish Cipher, CROWDS,
> > encryption of IP traffic, etc.?
> Anonymous, worried that answering himself might lead to being
>   incarcerated against his will for a mental evaluation, replies:
> Tim C. May is a living archive of these issues and technologies, but
> it is a bad idea to show up on his doorstep, unannounced.
> However, it is sometimes possible to sneak into a website to be
> found at http://jya.com/ and get out alive with as much information
> as you are capable of stuffing into your CyberPockets during your
> sojourn into the bowels of Cryptocracy.
> If you enjoy browsing leisurely through odd piles of obscure posts
> on all of the above, and more, the Infinity website CPUNX archive
> can be found at http://infinigy.nus.sg/cypherpunks

** OK, would you believe -- http://infinity.nus.sg/cypherpunks ? **

>  (Of particular classical value are the many [ADMINISTRAVIUM]
>   posts which contain valuable graphical representations of
>   some of the more arcane CPUNX traditions.)
> AlwaysHappyToHelpMonger