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Re: democracy?! (Re: Terrorism is a NON-THREAT (fwd)

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> Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 13:28:22 GMT
> From: Adam Back <[email protected]>

> The real problem as I see it with democracy is that not only do your
> neighbours get to vote to have you locked up for something which is
> none of their business, and has no conceivable effect up on them; but
> they actually get to vote for you to be charged for the "service" of
> being locked up to protect you from yourself.

Exactly what kind of democracy are you speaking of? Sounds like you are
lumping them all into one big bucket, a disservice to all involved in this
discussion and a popular spin-doctor tactic. If so, please be so kind as to
demonstrate how a representative, constitutional, and majority democracy are
the same? And for the record, we have a constitutional representative

Personaly, I figure you must be one of those folks with a cognitive
disfunction. What part of "Congress shall make no law..." do you not 

> The wild west was better than this state of affairs -- people didn't
> have the energy or inclination to waste their own resources being nosy
> parkers, and those that did were apt to wind up full of lead.

Boy, you history is simply fucked. If you seriosly think the west was like
television you should spend more time reading books and period newspapers
and less time looking at the boob-tube. At the height of the range wars there
were only 9 murders associated with the conflict, not hundreds as the popular
entertainment media and spin-doctor culture would have you believe. Get your
fucking facts straight.

Face off's at high-noon simply didn't happen and poeple didn't run around
having gun fights all the time.

I would suggest *strongly* that if nothing else you review the western
history series by Time*Life, should be at your local library, and UT Press
put out a book called "The Texas Rangers". I have both of them but
unfortunately they are in my shop 30 miles away. A lookup at your local
bookstore should get them if you are truly interested in how it was. "The
Quick & The Dead" was a movie, not a historical documentary.

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