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Re: TLS implementations

At 00:31 14.01.98 -0500, Anonymous wrote:
>Don't you know the place where there is anyone
>TLS implementations (source code)?
>Teach to me if it is here because it is known.
>Thank you very much.

What is this thing which before me I see?
Lo! 'Tis a herald from Nobochookie-san!
Is it? Or is it just someone posing as he?
For he speaks in riddles to cover his plan...

(Things are a bit slow here today - you might have guessed)

          ( o  o )  
|  .oooO             | PGP5 Key Fingerprint:                              |  
| (    )    Oooo.    | 1F59 CADC 951E ADAD 5EA5  9544 FCCE 8E30 4988 551E |
|  \   (    (    )   | Crypto Kong signature below                        |
|    \__)    )  /    |                                                    |
|           (__/     |"Ian.Sparkes(at)T-Online.de" "Ian.Sparkes(at)ac.com"|
|                    |"isparkes(at)q9f47.dmst02.telekom.de"               |
|                    | Life empiricist and confused ethical hedonist      |
|                    |                                                    |
| I'm not your lawer, you're not my client. This is therefore not advice  |

         Ian Sparkes