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Fight ECHELON while the topic is hot!

   >   From: "William H. Geiger III" <[email protected]>
   >   Date: Tue, 24 Feb 98 09:16:29 -0500
   >   >It's high time Don Mclean (sic) or someone took the
   >   >extensive documentation collected in the Cryptography
   >   >Manifesto regarding this, which includes massive USA domestic spying, and
   >   >started writing news stories about it, and
   >   >get other news organizations interested in the questions
   >   >raised. Questions to be put to Senators.
   >   >Why?
   >   >Because it is ECHELON, not pedophiles, not drug dealers,
   >   >that is not only the hold-up for freely exportable
   >   >software, but also for why the FBI has openly moved
   >   >to regulate all domestic cryptography into oblivion.
   >   >The story of massive spying is one "the American people"
   >   >can understand. Cryptography is too distant.
   >   >Go for it, someone, please.
   >   The sheeple don't care.
   >   The sheeple are well aware of the abuses of power by our government and
   >   they don't care nor have they cared for a long time. So long as they have
   >   a roof over their heads, cloths on their back, a color TV and their
   >   microwave dinners they are willing to let the government do whatever they
   >   want.


I'd say a number of senior people on this list are burnt
out fighting the good fight.

Did the government at least acknowledge it fucked up
in the Weaver case to the tune of $3.1 million?

Didn't the person in charge, who Freeh promoted to
second-in-command at the FBI, have his career destroyed?

Didn't the government finally back down on their
attempt to legally kill the Unabomber?

Didn't the Pentagon Papers make it out?

Isn't ECHELON documented by person after person,
including someone formerly in DOJ with top-secret

Go for it!

It is *you* who are advocating being a "sheeple"!!!

   Shame on you.