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Re: Cypherpunk Policeman?

   >   From [email protected] Tue Feb 24 18:55:45 1998
   >   Guy writes <[email protected]>:
   >   > Hey, Vulis is probably looking for a real job.
   >   >
   >   > Maybe he's finally found one.
   >   I hear he already had one: he's a lecturer at a University in new york
   >   (not sure of names of NY universitys), unless your actions lead
   >   indirectly to his contract being terminated.
#  http://math.harvard.edu/~verbit/scs/cranks/from-Shlomo.html
#  Q: Who is Dimitri Vulis?
#  A: Dimitri is an XSoviet immigrant.
#  He harasses people all over the net with the most offensive sorts of messages,
#  and uses dirty tricks to retaliate to the people who do get offended. Among
#  his accomplished feats is a series of articles about cat-eating dogs posted to
#  rec.pets.cats (which caused a wave of complaints and made him lost his CUNY
#  account) ; a series of porno binaries with obscene comments about his
#  opponents posted to math-related newsgroups (he lost another academic account,
#  at fordham.edu, after this scandal);
#  [
#     8/3/97 http://corky.fordham.edu/fclc/faculty.html
#     Dimitri Vulis, Adjunct Instructor in Computer Science. BA, MA, CUNY
#     Dimitri: I haven't been teaching at Fordham for a few years.
#              It's too far and the pay's too low.
#  ]
#  ...and a series of racist articles denigrating all aspects of romanian life
#  and culture which used to haunt the romanian newsgroup for years.


   >   From [email protected] Tue Feb 24 18:55:45 1998
   >   Guy writes <[email protected]>:
   >   > He posted from '[email protected]' _after_ being terminated from PSINet.
   >   You sure?  I mean it could as easily as not been someone spoofing him,
   >   what with the various anonymous mails, etc., that you reported.

It is a blatant obviousity.

Traffic analysis simply means convincing one or more people
that it's the same person...


#  Subject:      (none)
#  From:         Mix <[email protected]>
#  Date:         1998/02/12
#  Newsgroups:   list.cypherpunks
#  Timothy Mayhem will fuck anything that moves, 
#  but he'd rather be fucking his own mother's dead 
#  body.
#                <<<<
#               o(0-0)o
#            -ooO-(_) Ooo-- Timothy Mayhem
#  Subject:      Archie Plutonium's contributions to science
#  From:         [email protected] (AI Simulation Daemon)
#  Date:         1996/11/28
#  Newsgroups:   alt.sci.physics.plutonium,soc.culture.scientists,alt.flame
#  May the force of 231Pu be with you. Archie Plutonium proves a way to list all
#  solutions to Diophantine equations!
#             <<<<
#            o(0-0)o
#         -ooO-(_) Ooo-- Archie Plutonium

#  Subject:      [ADMINISTRATIVIUM] Firewalls
#  From:         [email protected] (Anonymous)
#  Date:         1998/01/13
#  Newsgroups:   list.cypherpunks
#  Timmy C. Mayonnaise's reheated, refurbished, and regurgitated 
#  cud is completely inappropriate for the mailing lists into which 
#  it is cross-ruminated.
#        ,,,
#   -ooO(o o)Ooo- Timmy C. Mayonnaise
#        (_)
#  Subject:      Ludwig Plutonium's latest contributions to number theory
#  From:         [email protected] (AI Simulation Daemon)
#  Date:         1997/02/02
#  Newsgroups:   alt.sci.physics.plutonium,talk.rumors,misc.invest.options
#  Praise the Lord! Ludwig Plutonium proved that some non-trivial
#  zeroes of the zeta function have real part not equal to 1/2.
#              ,,,
#         -ooO(o o)Ooo- Ludwig Plutonium
#              (_)

#  Subject:      (none)
#  From:         Anonymous <[email protected]>
#  Date:         1997/12/19
#  Newsgroups:   list.cypherpunks
#  Timmy C. May will fuck anything that moves, 
#  but he'd rather be fucking his own mother's 
#  dead body.
#       /'''
#       c-OO Timmy C. May
#          \
#         -
#  Subject:      Ludwig Plutonium, our greatest scientist
#  From:         [email protected] (AI Simulation Daemon)
#  Date:         1997/02/20
#  Newsgroups:   alt.sci.physics.plutonium,soc.culture.scientists,sci.physics.accelerators
#  Reposted without permission from clari.plutonium. Ludwig Plutonium
#  demonstrates that (a+b)^n=a^n+b^n for some a, b, and n!
#            /'''
#            c-OO Ludwig Plutonium
#               \
#              -

#  Subject:      Re: Zero-knowledge commit
#  From:         [email protected] (Anonymous)
#  Date:         1998/02/01
#  Newsgroups:   list.cypherpunks
#  Timmy C[unt] May carries a turd in his wallet for identification purposes.
#                    __|     \ /     |__
#        _ o   ___\o    \o    |    o/    o/___  o _  Timmy C[unt] May
#         /\  /)  |     ( \  /o\  / )     |  (\  /\
#     ___|_\______                          _____/_|__
#  Subject:      Expressing America's appreciation for Archimedes Uranium
#  From:         [email protected] (AI Simulation Daemon)
#  Date:         1996/11/01
#  Newsgroups:   alt.sci.physics.plutonium,alt.usenet.kooks,sci.bio.misc
#  We live in interesting times. Archimedes Uranium proved beyond all
#  doubt that 6 and 28 are the sums of their proper divisors respectively!
#                   __|     \ /     |__
#       _ o   ___\o    \o    |    o/    o/___  o _
#        /\  /)  |     ( \  /o\  / )     |  (\  /\
#    ___|_\______                          _____/_|__

#  Subject:      Secure checksums
#  From:         [email protected] (Anonymous)
#  Date:         1998/01/31
#  Newsgroups:   list.cypherpunks
#  Timmy May sits at his terminal dressed in five-inch 
#  stiletto heels, fishnet stockings, a gold-lame 
#  mini-skirt, a purple halter with girdle underneath to 
#  keep in his flabby gut, a Fredericks of Hollywood 
#  padded bra also underneath the halter, a cheap Naomi 
#  Sims pink afro wig, waiting to yank his crank whenever 
#  a black man responds to one of his inane rants.
#          o   \ o /  _ o         __|    \ /     |__        o _  \ o /   o
#         /|\    |     /\   ___\o   \o    |    o/    o/__   /\     |    /|\ Timmy May
#         / \   / \   | \  /)  |    ( \  /o\  / )    |  (\  / |   / \   / \
#  Subject:      Archimedes Transplutonium, Dartmouth's most respected authority on number theory
#  From:         [email protected] (AI Simulation Daemon)
#  Date:         1996/12/20
#  Newsgroups:   alt.sci.physics.plutonium,misc.test,sci.physics.accelerators
#  Praise the Lord! Archimedes Transplutonium proved beyond all
#  doubt the non-existence of infinitely many primes.
#      o   \ o /  _ o         __|    \ /     |__        o _  \ o /   o
#     /|\    |     /\   ___\o   \o    |    o/    o/__   /\     |    /|\ Archimedes Transplutonium
#     / \   / \   | \  /)  |    ( \  /o\  / )    |  (\  / |   / \   / \

#  Subject:      (none)
#  From:         Anonymous <[email protected]>
#  Date:         1998/01/26
#  Newsgroups:   list.cypherpunks
#  Timothy May prefers to have sex with little kids 
#  because his own penis is like that of a 
#  three-year-old.
#              /\**/\
#             ( o_o  )_) Timothy May
#             ,(u  u  ,),
#            {}{}{}{}{}{}
#  Subject:      Ludwig Pohlmann, Internet's biggest genius
#  From:         [email protected] (AI Simulation Daemon)
#  Date:         1997/02/05
#  Newsgroups:   alt.sci.physics.plutonium,sci.techniques.testing.misc,misc.test
#  May the force of 231Pu be with you. Ludwig Pohlmann proved beyond
#  reasonable doubt the existence of even numbers cannot be represented as a
#  sum of two primes.
#              /\**/\
#             ( o_o  )_) Ludwig Pohlmann
#             ,(u  u  ,),
#            {}{}{}{}{}{}

#  Subject:      (none)
#  From:         Mix <[email protected]>
#  Date:         1998/01/27
#  Newsgroups:   list.cypherpunks
#  The only `culture' Timothy `C' Maypole possesses is that 
#  cultivated from his foreskin scrapings.
#          ,/         \,
#         ((__,-,,,-,__)), Timothy `C' Maypole
#          `--)~   ~(--`
#         .-'(       )`-,
#         `~~`d\   /b`~~`
#             |     |
#             (6___6)
#              `---`
#  Subject:      Re: renaming soc.culture.russian.moderated => soc.culture.smegma.moderated
#  From:         [email protected] (AI Simulation Daemon)
#  Date:         1996/02/25
#  Newsgroups:   news.groups,soc.culture.russian,soc.culture.soviet,soc.culture.ukrainian,soc.culture.romanian,soc\
#  .culture.african.american,ok.general
#  The only "culture" Pyotr Vorobiev and his buddies possess is the bacterial one,
#  cultivated from their foreskin scrapings.
#  This posting was generated by an artificial intelligence program.