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Re: From Peter Gutmann Re: So what *does* happen to a city wit

	In the New York Times yesterday there was an article about a hacker "game"
where the pentagon said that most unclassified computers were breeched, and
supposedly none of the classified ones were hit, according to the
spokesman. I don't know how much validity my idea has, probably very
little, but if there was a "contest" going on like the article implied,
perhaps it wasn't limited to government computers. AOL went down recently,
along with alot of other power outages, if some computers had been
breeched, how difficult would it have been for someone to cause something
to overload and cause a power outage? But then again, perhaps I have a
vivid imagination.

PS: The article from the NY Times could probably still be accessed from the
archive there at www.nytimes.com


At 05:26 AM 2/27/98 +1000, Charles wrote:
>On 26 Feb 98 at 9:34, David Honig wrote:
>> I wrote: 
>> > 
>> >>A part of Aukland is finding out.
>> >>
>> >>http://www.tampabayonline.net/news/news101l.htm
>> Peter G replies: 
>> >It's pretty serious, so far it's affected (at various times) a number of 
>Strangely enough (Auckland is just a 3 hour flight ESE of here) at
>almost the same time Aucklands power went down Brisbane in
>Queensland Australia had its own power problems from last Sunday
>through to approx Thursday. Our situation was nowhere near as bad as
>Aucklands but it was unusual. The government claimed that all 4 of
>our power stations (insert particular fault of the day...I heard
>boilers blowing up, pipes getting clogged etc) had an incredibly
>unlucky act of god perpetrated on them all at the exact same time
>resulting in controlled blackouts to SE Queensland and Brisbane
>(excepting the CBD which was not subject to power rationing). The
>minister responible claims that it was not due to lack of
>maintenance (which would be my guess) but just a one in a billion
>chance. I guess we don't have a national power grid here to draw on
>during such times.
>If anyone has found out what really happened here I'd love to know as 
>the pollies usual lies are getting so bad its embaressing.
>   .////.   .//    Charles Senescall           [email protected]
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