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Re: SSL search attack
> At 7:25 AM 9/1/95, Daniel R. Oelke wrote:
> >>
> >> I see nothing wrong with the concept of being allocated an initial chunk
> >> and having the scan software attempt to ACK it when 50% of it has been
> >> searched. A successful ACK would allow the releasing of a new chunk (in
> >> response) equal in size to the returned chunk. A failure of the Server to
> >> accept the ACK would trigger a retry at set intervals (such as 75% and 100%
> >> or 60/70/80/90/100%) until the Server responds. Thus the scanner is always
> >> in possession of a Full Sized Chuck to scan (so long as the Server accepts
> >> an ACK before the 100% done mark) and temporary failures will not stop the
> >> process of a scanner as currently happens.
> >>
> >
> >The only way this can work is if the server is told it is a 50%/75%/etc
> >size ACK, and then latter the server is ACKed for the full 100%.
> >
> >Why? Because what happens if the client dies immediately after doing
> >the ACK - maybe only 51% of that space has been searched, yet
> >the server has already seen an ACK for it.
> You NEVER claim to have searched space until you have actually done so.
That is exactly what I was arguing against - but the first sentance of what
I quoted was saying was ok.
> Assuming that you are multi-threaded--- Simply run two "workers" on the
> same machine. If there are delays in getting keys assigned, the two will
> soon get out of phase and keep the cpu busy.
I kind of like that idea...
Dan Oelke Alcatel Network Systems
droelke@aud.alcatel.com Richardson, TX