Cypherpunks Threads for 1995 09
- Re: Fiat Shamir Zero Knowledge Test,
- sums with BIG numbers,
Sherry Mayo
- Re: O.J. ObCrypto: Fuhrman's Folly Fans Fakery Fears...,
Robert A. Rosenberg
- Re: SSL search attack,
Robert A. Rosenberg
- Hmmm.. (fwd),
Bryan Strawser
- Karl Hess meeting - L.A. area,
J. Kent Hastings
- FUHRMAN key escrow,
Gary Jeffers
- Phil Zimmermann/Amnesty International?,
Gary Jeffers
- Re: Phil Zimmermann/Amnesty International?,
Deranged Mutant
- Re: Phil Zimmermann/Amnesty International?,
Michael Froomkin
- Re: Phil Zimmermann/Amnesty International?,
Alan Westrope
- Re: Phil Zimmermann/Amnesty International?,
Perry E. Metzger
- Re: Phil Zimmermann/Amnesty International?,
Jim Gillogly
- Re: Phil Zimmermann/Amnesty International?,
Alan Westrope
- Re: Phil Zimmermann/Amnesty International?,
Michael Froomkin
- Re: Phil Zimmermann/Amnesty International?,
Alan Westrope
- Zimmerman's statute,
Brian Davis
- Re: Phil Zimmermann/Amnesty International?,
Robert A. Hayden
- Re: Phil Zimmermann/Amnesty International?,
Robert A. Hayden
- Re: Phil Zimmermann/Amnesty International?,
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Phil Zimmermann/Amnesty International?,
rudy (r.) rawlins
- Re: Phil Zimmermann/Amnesty International?,
Timothy C. May
- Re: opinions on RSA Secure?,
- Web of Trust,
- Re: A problem with anonymity,
Bill Stewart
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: A problem with anonymity,
David Murray
- Re: A problem with anonymity,
Timothy C. May
- Re: A problem with anonymity,
- Re: A problem with anonymity,
Timothy C. May
- Re: A problem with anonymity,
David Murray
- Re: A problem with anonymity,
Buford Terrell
- Re: A problem with anonymity,
Timothy C. May
- Re: A problem with anonymity,
- Re: A problem with anonymity,
Timothy C. May
- Re: A problem with anonymity,
Dar Scott
- Re: A problem with anonymity,
Buford Terrell
- Re: A problem with anonymity,
James A. Donald
- Fuhrman needed a digital pseudonym!,
Timothy C. May
- No Subject,
Pasquale Piombino
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- No Subject,
Dar Scott
- No Subject,
Ford Prefect
- No Subject,
Patrick Horgan
- No Subject,
Tom Jones
- No Subject,
Anonymous Remailing Service
- No Subject,
Hroller Anonymous Remailer
- No Subject,
Hroller Anonymous Remailer
- No Subject,
Syrinx Anonymous Remailer
- No Subject,
James A. Donald
- No Subject,
Thaddeus J. Beier
- No Subject,
- No Subject,
Rich Lethin
- No Subject,
- No Subject,
- No Subject,
Ford Prefect
- No Subject,
Freedom Remailer
- No Subject,
Freedom Remailer
- No Subject,
Hroller Anonymous Remailer
- No Subject,
- No Subject,
- No Subject,
- No Subject,
- No Subject,
- No Subject,
- Re: Some details on RSA Secure,
Bill Stewart
- Key Escrow Workshop agenda & discussion paper 3,
Pat Farrell
- Re: CIA & Espionage,
Syrinx Anonymous Remailer
- Re: Cryptanalysis of S-1,
David A. Wagner
- Surveillance a Growing Problem,
Timothy C. May
- Macintosh Users: "SpeedDoubler",
Timothy C. May
- Direct Socket to Remailer?,
ROBO Mixmaster Remailer
- IETF security report,
Rich Salz
- Cyphernomicon, and a section on Escrow and Reputations,
Timothy C. May
- Re: SSL attack,
- FSTC - Request for Info,
Todd Glassey, Chief Technologist, Looking Glass Technologies
- Cypherpunks Santa Cruz -- Great Party!,
Timothy C. May
- SUMMARY: Not-so-volatile volatile memory,
Peter Gutmann
- Cyphernomicon for ftp,
Jeff Simmons
- Crypto '95 report,
- Nautilus 1.0 under OS/2 Warp?,
- Re: anyone know what this "top secret" code does?Re: anyone know what this "top secret" code does?,
- VoicePGP Query,
Deranged Mutant
- Re: MIT distributing PGPfone -Reply,
Buford Terrell
- Re: PGPfone over Appletalk,
- Quickly checking signatures,
- Crypto '95: Robert Morris,
Jim Gillogly
- Cyphernomicon,
Dar Scott
- Mailing List Archive,
Jay Campbell
- Dumb Question: PGPfone over Appletalk,
Rev. Mark Grant
- Basic Public key algorithms.,
Daniel R. Oelke
- ASN.1 and Kerberos version 5,
Jeffrey I. Schiller
- Austin Cypherpunks,
Jim Choate
- Crypto '95,
Adam Shostack
- SSLRef (SSLtelnet),
- A bold ssl idea ?,
lyal collins
- 260_xxx,
John Young
- ARS_tug,
John Young
- Re: Florida Drivers Permits and a Hello,
David R. Conrad
- Slightly faster checking for encrypted messages to me,
- PEE_per,
John Young
- hks cypherpunks newsserver down,
Lucky Green
- Mail to mail.cypherpunks "newsgroup" echoes to list,
Michael Froomkin
- Looking for NII IP "White Paper"...,
Brian A. LaMacchia
- WEB pointers for NIS&T Key Escrow meeting,
Pat Farrell
- NIST attendee list,
Lucky Green
- Re: anyone know what this "top secret" code does?,
Tim Magee
- LR/SHS src (386 ASM),
Deranged Mutant
- Re: Joel's RSA-t's,
- Re: SSL search attacks,
Jiri Baum
- pseudonyms & list health,
Vladimir Z. Nuri
- maximizing cryptographic return,
Vladimir Z. Nuri
- European wilingness to pay ...,
- rump session papers,
Carl Ellison
- Re: Wearing RSA shirt to school,
- Oddly enough, Clipper is helpful,
Deranged Mutant
- Clinton's Black Helicopters Over My House!,
Timothy C. May
- Reputations and Reading Preferences,
Timothy C. May
- MAN_iax,
John Young
- List of reliable remailers,
Raph Levien
- Key attributes (was: pseudonyms & list health),
Douglas Barnes
- Acceptable NIS&T restrictions,
Pat Farrell
- The Dangers of Caribbean Data Havens,
Timothy C. May
- Re: Emergency File Wipe AlgorithimRe: Emergency File Wipe Algorithim,
- e$: More fun with cash: Senate Bill 307,
Robert Hettinga
- my crypto rump session abstract,
Matt Blaze
- nymserver source code,
Matthew Ghio
- Returned mail: User unknown,
Mail Delivery Subsystem
- Seattle area Cypherpunks,
Joel McNamara
- Encrypted desktop videoconferencing,
Thaddeus J. Beier
- Re: Emergency File Wipe Algorithim,
Christian Wettergren
- Re: VCRPLUS Huffman code,
- Identity Agnostic Online Cash,
Douglas Barnes
- Q: PGPfone where,
Matthias Jordan
- (NOISE) Re: e$: More fun with cash: Senate Bill 307,
Bill Stewart
- SecureDrive 1.4 Announcement Correction,
Edgar Swank
- Forgery, bills, and the Four Horsemen (Articles and Comment),
Black Unicorn
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Forgery, bills, and the Four Horsemen (Articles and Comment),
Lucky Green
- Re: Forgery, bills, and the Four Horsemen (Articles and Comment),
- Re: Forgery, bills, and the Four Horsemen (Articles and Comment),
Lucky Green
- Re: Forgery, bills, and the Four Horsemen (Articles and Comment),
- Re: Forgery, bills, and the Four Horsemen (Articles and Comment),
Lucky Green
Sandy Sandfort
- Re: article/author ratings/reputations (was Re: pseudonyms & list health),
Tobin T Fricke
- Re: SUMMARY: Not-so-volatile volatile memoryRe: SUMMARY: Not-so-volatile volatile memory,
- Re: Non-US SSL128 site,
Peter Trei
- Re: Forgery, bills, and the Four Horsemen (Articles and Comment),
Mats Bergstrom
- "This discussion is off-topic, please take it elsewhere",
Timothy C. May
- Re: response (fwd),
Fred Sammet
- A recent article on Electronic Commerce,
David Neal
- [ Re: VCRPLUS Huffman code],
Tobin T Fricke
- Re: SSL trouble,
Peter Trei
- Another Son of Clipper discussion paper,
Jim Gillogly
- approx of bignum^rational,
Douglas Barnes
- Scientology and police visit XS4ALL Amsterdam,
- Son of Clipper (commentary),
Jim Gillogly
- Police and scientology visit XS4ALL Amsterdam,
Sam Kaplin
- Secure Device 1.4 QuestionSecure Device 1.4 Question,
- Key Certification by US Post Office,
- Re: NSA says Joe Sixpack won't buy crypto,
Pat Farrell
- Lotus Notes vs. the Web and the Net,
Timothy C. May
- Are booby-trapped computers legal?,
Timothy C. May
- Growth of actions definded as crime. Which math formula?,
Lucky Green
- Non-Delivery Notification,
Lucky Green
- ANNOUNCE: September 1995 SF Bay Area physical meeting,
Eric Hughes
- Equinox/cypherpunks/www,
Andy Brown
- Searchable Crypto Paper Archive?,
David J. Bianco
- the S-1 Algorithm,
Bruce Schneier
- Michael Moriarity in _Penthouse_ on Law Enforcer Power Expansion,
- "Living in real time, side A" (article ref),
Cortland D. Starrett
- cryptography eliminates lawyers?,
Cortland D. Starrett
- Re: cryptography eliminates lawyers?,
Rob Lowry
- Re: cryptography eliminates lawyers?,
Sandy Sandfort
- Re: cryptography eliminates lawyers?,
Ray Arachelian
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: cryptography eliminates lawyers?,
Rob Lowry
- Re: cryptography eliminates lawyers?,
Dar Scott
- cryptography eliminates lawyers?,
Buford Terrell
- Re: cryptography eliminates lawyers?,
James A. Donald
- Re: cryptography eliminates lawyers?,
Bill Stewart
- Re: cryptography eliminates lawyers?,
Alan Olsen
- Re: cryptography eliminates lawyers?,
Dar Scott
- Re: cryptography eliminates lawyers?,
Black Unicorn
- Re: cryptography eliminates lawyers?,
Dar Scott
- Re: cryptography eliminates lawyers?,
Dar Scott
- Re: cryptography eliminates lawyers?,
Jim Ray
- Re: cryptography eliminates lawyers?,
Jim Ray
- Anonymous CU-SeeMe reflector,
Thomas Grant Edwards
- Anonymous http daemon?,
Dave Lambert
- Where is Secure Drive 1.4?,
TECO Master
- Collection of personal info,
David Neal
- Re: Flame: Re: Collection of personal info,
Rob Lowry
- fast modular reduction,
Wei Dai
- e$ sites of interest,
Jim Choate
- Symbols on the net :),
Steven Calabro
- University logging mail to anon.penet,
Jeff Simmons
- Collection of persona,
- University logging mail to anon.penet (fwd),
Charles Gimon
Gary Jeffers
- ULC Online,
Jaeson Engle
- What is truth?,
Timothy C. May
- Diskreet Disk Help Needed,
M. F. (Pat
- not a flame please read and think about this,
- subscripe,
Saitmacher, Klaus, Dr., DyStar
- Notes from NIS&T Key Escrow Export conference.,
Pat Farrell
- Cybersecurity,
Derek Roth-Biester (by way of Duncan Frissell <>)
- Cryptography Technical Report Server (CTRS) needs submissions!,
David J. Bianco
- Re: fast modular reduction (proof?),
Hadmut Danisch
- Force Ratios,
Duncan Frissell
- Re: ECPA (Was: University logging mail to,
Jim Ray
- Why Key Escrow (GAK) is So Bad,
Timothy C. May
- Crypto Anarchy and Virtual Communities,
Timothy C. May
- How to get to Saturday's meeting in SF?,
Ian Goldberg
- PGP key disclosure,
H Keith Henson
- GAK Hacks,
Timothy C. May
- Industry Slams Gov's Encryption Export Plan,
Robert Hettinga
- Commercial Speech over Internet product,
- Re: GAK,
Douglas Barnes
- Re: Kerberos v5's experience with ASN.1,
Theodore Ts'o
- Key Escrow Papers,
John Young
- Legality of Cash Transactions,
Timothy C. May
- Announce: Web of Trust Ring,
- Scientology tries to break PGP - and fails?,
- Correction about who opposes crypto regulations....,
Timothy C. May
- Shams and Shame,
Timothy C. May
- NIST Escrow Papers - Now Web Available,
Joel McNamara
- Usenix symposium on crypto applications,
Rich Salz
- Ring: Server problem,
- Magazine / Goodbye,
Tobin T Fricke
- Key Escrow Papers via FTP,
Alan Olsen
- NIST notes available,
Pat Farrell
- Cypher Rant II: Why Private Cryptography should not be regulated.,
Paul Elliott
- Day 2, nist GAK meeting,
Pat Farrell
Arve Kjoelen
- Jimmy Upton's T-shirt (NIST's 9/6-7/95 meetings),
Carl Ellison
- Cryptography Global Challenges,
- Darren Reed: Re: NSA and the Internet.,
Perry E. Metzger
- [NOISE] Re: Are booby-trapped computers legal?,
Bill Stewart
- Info Warthogs,
- Hacking banking (fwd),
Brad Dolan
- Car rentals, Driver's Licenses, Ecash, & Net Access,
Duncan Frissell
- (Fwd) CFP: Workshop on Information Hiding,
Peter Trei
- 64-bit GAK && 128-bit hashes,
Andrew Loewenstern
- Privacy book list,
- Looking for IETF old-timers (and others),
Michael Froomkin
- Cato Study Release: National ID Card Ineffective and Intrusive,
Thomas Grant Edwards
- [NOISE] Re: Notes from NIS&T Key Escrow Export conference.,
Bill Stewart
Bill Stewart
- Cypherpunks Lite archives now available,
Eric Blossom
- 9K P6,
John Young
- GAK Hacks and Position Surveillance,
Kevin Q Brown +1 201 386 7344
- [NOISE]Re: ECPA (Was: University logging mail to,
Jim Ray
- Libertarian Party and Crypto Anarchy,
Timothy C. May
- Web Exon A-rate,
- [NOISE/Fun] some 'special' primes,
Laurent Demailly
- Open letter to Geoff Greiveldinger, DoJ,
Carl Ellison
- Scientology/Wollersheim as test case for key disclosure,
Greg Broiles
- ===>> FREE 1 yr. Magazine Sub sent worldwide- 315+ Popular USA Titles ===>> FREE 1 yr. Magazine Sub sent worldwide- 315+ Popular USA Titles,
Janet Dove
- Re: Scientology tries to break PGP - and fails? (fwd),
Tom Rollins
- Sigh Re: not a flame please read and think about this,
Pat Farrell
- WoT keyring (fwd),
- Re: WoT keyring,
- DC-area Meeting Sept 16,
Pat Farrell
- Internet commerce mtg, Denver,
Vladimir Z. Nuri
- Bizdos citizenship?,
Joel McNamara
- RSA licensing costs?,
Adam Shostack
- Brand e-cash implementation?,
Michael Froomkin
- Dishonest banks & ecash,
Michael Froomkin
- Re: Certificates/Anonymity/Policy/True Names,
Alan Pugh
- PGP in UK,
- remailers,
Alan Pugh
- PGP in UK and GAK,
John Young
- RSA lcensing costs?,
Thaddeus J. Beier
- 64 bit crypto,
Thaddeus J. Beier
- Cypherpunks Purity Test,
Timothy C. May
- mailing list,
Ryan Matlock
- Precipice remailer open for business,
David C. Lambert
- not a flame please re,
- Nice Guys,
- question about reputation,
Wei Dai
- Senate Bill 974?,
David Neal
- IP6_pi2,
John Young
- Senate Bill 974,
David Neal
- NIS&T Key Escrow Export kangaroo conference,
Bill Trost
- Digital Fingerprinting,
Douglas Barnes
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Digital Fingerprinting,
- Re: Digital Fingerprinting,
Timothy C. May
- Re: Digital Fingerprinting,
Douglas Barnes
- Re: Digital Fingerprinting,
Andrew Loewenstern
- Re: Digital Fingerprinting,
Peter Trei
- Re: Digital Fingerprinting,
Patrick Horgan
- Re: Digital Fingerprinting,
Patrick Horgan
- Re: Digital Fingerprinting,
Censored Girls Anonymous
- Re: Digital Fingerprinting,
James Caldwell
- Re: Digital Fingerprinting,
Alan Olsen
- Re: Digital Fingerprinting,
Timothy C. May
- Security Policy Documents,
- GAK/weak crypto rationale?,
P.J. Ponder
- Re: Document Fingerprinting,
- GAK Advisory Board,
- GAK Advisory Board 94,
- Re: Big machine ordered from Intel,
Bill Stewart
- Voice Encryption,
Ethan Lindsey
- question about reputa,
- FYI,
Michael S Baum
- Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments (fwd),
Harry Bartholomew
- Media coverage of NIST Export meetings?,
Pat Farrell
- Cryptography Technical Report Server: Bad URL,
David J. Bianco
- NYT on GAK,
John Young
- Comp Sec Calendar,
- e$: Progress and Freedom Conference this Summer,
Robert Hettinga
- Clipper: the definitive meme,
Jim Gillogly
- VER_tgo,
John Young
- NIST Hat Tricks,
John Young
- crypto confrontation,
Vladimir Z. Nuri
- More NIST presentations available,
Pat Farrell
- itar question,
Todd Ackman
- Elliptic Curve Public Key Crypto available,
Mike Rosing
- away from my mail,
- spam apology,
- draft key mgmt props,
Tom Jones
- PGP in UK - snooped as unSTEALTHed?,
Gary Jeffers
- anyone got a cpunk URL for the UK munitions T?,
- Questions on PGP3.0,
- Re: Scientology tries to break PGP - and,
- VCR+ encode/decode source file error.,
Tom Rollins
- NRO_puf,
John Young
- VOO_doo,
John Young
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- VOO_doo,
Adam Philipp
- Netscape to patch shareware version,
Weld Pond
- Elliptic Curve Public Key Crypto,
Brian D Williams
- Famous Zen koan: what is the sound of two shoes dropping?,
Brian A. LaMacchia
- Whitehouse "dissident" web site monitoring?,
- Re: Whitehouse "dissident" web site monitoring?,
Brian Davis
- Re: Whitehouse "dissident" web site monitoring?,
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Whitehouse "dissident" web site monitoring?,
Linda Thompson, American Justice Federation
- Re: Whitehouse "dissident" web site monitoring?,
Timothy C. May
- Re: Whitehouse "dissident" web site monitoring?,
Rich Salz
- Re: Whitehouse "dissident" web site monitoring?,
Duncan Frissell
- Re: Whitehouse "dissident" web site monitoring?,
Patrick Horgan
- Re: Whitehouse "dissident" web site monitoring?,
Patrick Horgan
- Re: Whitehouse "dissident" web site monitoring?,
Bill Stewart
- Payment Systems,
Robert Hettinga
- PGP duress code, and stego (was Re: PGP in UK - snooped unSTEALHed?),
- Whitehouse responds to Zimmermann pardon letter,
- NIST conference summary in CDT,
K. M. Ellis
- DC-C'punks meeting,
Pat Farrell
- Secure Device 1.4 (,
Gary Jeffers
- Key Escrow as Law Enforcement's *Worst Nightmare*,
Timothy C. May
- Re: Scientology tries to break PGP - and (fwd),
Tom Rollins
- Friday (15 Sep) GAK meeting at NIST,
Jim Gillogly
- Leaked NSI PR About $50-Annual-Fee-for-Domain-Name,
Richard Johnson
- Denver area meeting, SUNDAY, 9/17, 2 pm,
Alan Westrope
- new info-sec mailing list,
Dr. Frederick B. Cohen
- generating hash.curve in eliptic.src,
Mike Rosing
- Mixmaster posting poll,
Lance Cottrell
- Community ConneXion & its new look,
- Whitehouse "dissident,
- Re: Whitehouse "dissident" and net monitoring,
Kari Laine
- ADMIN: How to find out if you have been culled from the list,
Hugh Daniel
- Majordomo results: (NOISE) Re: White House MONITORS Web Pag,
- Dirty Jobs Ad,
- CYPHERPUNK considered harmful.,
Peter Trei
- CYPHERPUNK considered harmful.,
Mike McNally
- Re: CYPHERPUNK considered harmful.,
Martin C Sweitzer
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: CYPHERPUNK considered harmful.,
Timothy C. May
- Re: CYPHERPUNK considered harmful.,
Duncan Frissell
- re: CYPHERPUNK considered harmful.,
Sherry Mayo
- Re: CYPHERPUNK considered harmful.,
Carl Ellison
- Re: CYPHERPUNK considered harmful.,
Patrick Horgan
- Re: CYPHERPUNK considered harmful.,
Timothy C. May
- Re: CYPHERPUNK considered harmful.,
Peter Trei
- Re: CYPHERPUNK considered harmful.,
Timothy C. May
- Re: CYPHERPUNK considered harmful.,
Greg Broiles
- Re: CYPHERPUNK considered harmful.,
John Young
- FUZ_fat,
John Young
- Recent articles,
Rich Salz
- Software vs Money Laundering,
Duncan Frissell
- Web Proxy Servers,
Duncan Frissell
- An opportunity not to be missed,
David C. Lambert
- Dirty Pix Ad,
- Can GAK be made "not interoperable" with PGP?,
Timothy C. May
- Corporate Use of Anon WWW Proxies,
- Minor Risk to LSB Steganography,
- Digital Cash on sci.crypt,
- CAGK rationale (was: Re: GAK/weak crypto rationale?),
- MOSS [IETF privacy-enhanced mail, modified for MIME] now available,
Rich Salz
- Text tracking,
Black Unicorn
- Factoring Software (fwd),
- MS-Word macros disassembler/cracker?,
P.J. Ponder
- "Who knows this guy?",
Timothy C. May
- Ron Plesser's take on NIST GAK meeting,
John Gilmore
- [Meeting at Tim's house participant] Who wanted the AT&T UNIX for 8086/80286 ?,
Lucky Green
- Need ideas. NFP to monitor law enforcement on the net.,
Dietrich J. Kappe
- NSA on GAK,
- (NOISE) Re: White House M,
- AOL Porno,
Duncan Frissell
- DD, pedaphiles, and Terrorists, oh my,
Pat Farrell
- Re: DD, pedaphiles, and Terrorists, oh my,
Rob L
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: DD, pedaphiles, and Terrorists, oh my,
- Re: DD, pedaphiles, and Terrorists, oh my,
Lucky Green
- WAS_tem,
John Young
- Crimestoppers anon tip mailbox,
David C. Lambert
- Feeb Slants Feeb Slur,
- MIME Security Issues,
Richard Potocki
- [NOISE] Alice's Remailer site (was:Re: Digital Fingerprinting),
Peter Trei
- Child Porn, Morphing, and Pointers,
Timothy C. May
- Linking = Showing = Transferring?,
Timothy C. May
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Linking = Showing = Transferring?,
Joseph Sokol-Margolis
- Re: Linking = Showing = Transferring?,
Frank Stuart
- Re: Linking = Showing = Transferring?,
Dar Scott
- Re: Linking = Showing = Transferring?,
Lucky Green
- Re: Linking = Showing = Transferring?,
Dar Scott
- Re: Linking = Showing = Transferring?,
Rich Salz
- Re: Linking = Showing = Transferring?,
- Re: Linking = Showing = Transferring?,
Rich Salz
- Re: Linking = Showing = Transferring?,
Rich Salz
- Re: Linking = Showing = Transferring?,
Carl Ellison
- Re: Linking = Showing = Transferring?,
Duncan Frissell
- Re: Linking = Showing = Transferring?,
Alan Olsen
- Annonymous Web proxies.,
- Explaining Zero Knowledge to your children,
Hadmut Danisch
- Things the LEAs don't want to admit.,
Jim Ray
- Corrections to "Ron Plesser's take on NIST GAK",
John Gilmore
- Mixmaster status changing,
Lance Cottrell
- Privtool 0.85 Released,
Rev. Mark Grant
- Re: [NOISE] Alice's Remailer site,
Patrick Horgan
- Re: <SAFER SK-xx>,
David E. Smith
- Celco Sting,
John Young
- RE: Mixmaster status,
ROBO Mixmaster Remailer
- [non-crypto] Any info on Motorola Digital cell phone?,
Lucky Green
- Why ecash is traceable,
- Re: Why ecash is traceable,
Bryce Wilcox
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Why ecash is traceable,
Timothy C. May
- Re: Why ecash is traceable,
Donald M. Kitchen
- Re: Why ecash is traceable,
Bill Stewart
- Re: Why ecash is traceable,
Pat Farrell
- Re: Why ecash is traceable,
- Re: Why ecash is traceable,
Timothy C. May
- Re: Why ecash is traceable,
Dar Scott
- Re: why ecash is traceable,
Nick Szabo
- Re: why ecash is traceable,
Timothy C. May
- Re: Why ecash is traceable,
Lance Cottrell
- Re: Why ecash is traceable,
Donald M. Kitchen
- Check Cloning frenzy and attack on anonymous accounts,
Black Unicorn
- Re: DD, pedophiles, and Terrorists, oh my,
Bill Stewart
- Some informed comments on RSA's S/MIME,
Rich Salz
- VIO_lat,
John Young
- Chiffrement en Fr,
- Smart Cards, Credit cards, Payment systems,
- Loi Log,
- Oct Byte - Wayner's article heh,
Mark Hittinger
- More on ECheques,
John Hemming CEO MarketNet" (by way (Robert Hettinga))
- Re: More on ECheques (retry),
Peter Trei
- [ Re: The owls are not what they seem],
David Taffs
- Applied Cryptography, Second Edition: Ordering Information,
Bruce Schneier
- Crypto + Economics + AI = Digital Money Economies,
Timothy C. May
- Minutes of IEEE public-key standardization meeting,
Rich Salz
- "Use implies consent to monitoring",
Rishab Aiyer Ghosh
- San Diego Cypherpunks Physical Meeting,
Chris Claborne
- ===>> FREE 1 yr. Magazine Sub sent worldwide- 315+ Popular USA Titles,
Janet Dove
- Re: CYPHERPUNK considered harmful,
David C. Lambert
- Re: SPAM bait,
David G. Koontz
- NTSC version BBC-4 show (cryptography/privacy),
Allen J. Baum
- Re: Commercial Mixmaster (was Re: Mixmaster status),
Lance Cottrell
- laptop passwords,
Oren Tanay
Robert Hettinga
- Picking the Crypto Locks,
- Washington D.C. Cyperhpunks Meeting Cybercast,
Thomas Grant Edwards
- Quantum computing info?,
Jeff Simmons
- SecureDrive News - Win95 yes, Iomega zip drive no,
Edgar Swank
- Web page,
Dave Banisar
- HRT_web,
John Young
- Wash Post coverage of NIST Key escrow-export,
Pat Farrell
- (Noise) X-Files anarchist,
Dar Scott
- "alt.cypherpunks" Newsgroup vs. Mailing List?,
Timothy C. May
- Arnold Bowker and John Joslin vs. Privacy,
hroller Mixmaster
- alt.cypherpunks,
Jim Choate
- (noise) Re: SPAM bait,
Jim Ray
- "Hackers"-- brief review and anecdote...,
Peter Wayner
- Re: "Hackers"-- brief review and anecdote...,
Steven Levy
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: "Hackers"-- brief review and anecdote...,
- Re: "Hackers"-- brief review and anecdote...,
Peter Wayner
- Re: "Hackers"-- brief review and anecdote...,
Peter Wayner
- Re: "Hackers"-- brief review and anecdote...,
Steve Bryan (Steve Bryan)
- Re: "Hackers"-- brief review and anecdote...,
Peter Trei
- Re: "Hackers"-- brief review and anecdote...,
Duncan Frissell
- Re: "Hackers"-- brief review and anecdote...,
Steven Levy
- Re: "Hackers"-- brief review and anecdote...,
Peter Trei
- Re: "Hackers"-- brief review and anecdote...,
Rev. Mark Grant
- Re: "Hackers"-- brief review and anecdote...,
Rich Salz
- Re: "Hackers"-- brief review and anecdote...,
Robert A. Rosenberg
- Re: "Hackers"-- brief review and anecdote...,
Rich Salz
- RE: Commercial Mixmaster, (Syrinx Anonymous Remailer)
- Re: WAS_tem (fwd),
S. Keeling
- C-punks, marketing for the masses,
Greg Broiles
- Re: cypherpunks as a newsgroup,
Alan Olsen
- Newbie Crypto question: MOD?,
Childers James
- AOL monitoring,
Vladimir Z. Nuri
- Rosing's Elliptic curve documentation question,
Dan Bailey
- [NOISE] Re: SecureDrive News - Win95 yes, Iomega zip drive no,
Alan Olsen
- All Online Lusers, cryptoTCP,
- Look, a *.cypherpunk group already exists!,
Censored Girls Anonymous
- Anonymous WWW proxies,
Laurent Demailly
- [ASSENT NOISE] Re: C-punks, marketing for the masses,
Timothy C. May
- Mixmaster Licensing Offer Explained,
Lance Cottrell
- Trained Seals and Beltway Insiders,
Timothy C. May
- planning for life during the crypto night (was Re: CYPHERPUNK considered harmful.),
- Intellectual Property and Crypto collision,
John Gilmore
- "Attachments",
Timothy C. May
- Friday's NIST Key Escrow FIPS Workshop,
Thomas Grant Edwards
- Re: FAX Encryption Software,
- Joe Sixpack and his TV,
- Anonymous WWW proxy Alpha release available,
Laurent Demailly
- Central Banking for the 21st Century -- Thurs 28Sep, San Fran,
John Gilmore
- Netscape SSL implementation cracked!,
Ian Goldberg
- Re: Netscape SSL implementation is broken!,
Christian Wettergren
- Netscape Navigator 2.0 will implement secure e-mail,
Dan Weinstein
- Jill Sixpack wants to know?,
Censored Girls Anonymous
- e$: New Ecash Shop,
Robert Hettinga
- Code of Law,
- Good random seeds,
Adam Shostack
- Netscape's random numbers,
Rich Salz
Rich Salz
- RSAREF Commercial Licensing,
Jonathan Zamick
- information on SSL brute force hacks wanted,
- Time release crypto,
Stephen D. Williams
- VeriSign Introduces the First Digital ID Issuing Service,
Chris Claborne
- Your name in print,
Rich Salz
- Caribbean Internet Services?,
Timothy C. May
- Caribbean Internet Services? (fwd),
Jim Choate
- NYT on Netscape SSL Crack,
John Young
- Vince Cate is Breathing ;-),
Robert Hettinga
- Hack Netscape!,
- PGP for Linux 1.2.8,
Bret A. Johnson
- John Young You are KEWL!,
Censored Girls Anonymous
- Hurricane Luis in Anguilla / Cellphone Antenna,
Robert Hettinga
- NYT on Netscape Crack,
John Young
- Re: NYT on Netscape Crack,
Perry E. Metzger
- Re: NYT on Netscape Crack,
Black Unicorn
- Re: NYT on Netscape Crack,
Eli Brandt
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: NYT on Netscape Crack,
Bill Stewart
- Re: NYT on Netscape Crack,
- Re: NYT on Netscape Crack,
Duncan Frissell
- Re: NYT on Netscape Crack,
Andrew Loewenstern
- Re: NYT on Netscape Crack,
- Re: NYT on Netscape Crack,
Andrew Loewenstern
- Re: NYT on Netscape Crack,
Rich Salz
- Re: NYT on Netscape Crack,
Holger Reif
- Re: NYT on Netscape Crack,
Rich Salz
- Re: NYT on Netscape Crack,
David_A Wagner
- Musings,
- Brute Force and Smart Force,
Adam Shostack
- Bidzos takes advantage of Netscape hole!,
Chris Claborne
- FC's Opus,
John Young
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- FC's Opus,
John Young (by way of (Censored Girls Anonymous))
- NSA and Netscape Crack (Re: NYT on Netscape Crack),
Timothy C. May
- taxonomies of 'real money' and e-cash,
P.J. Ponder
- Automatic E-Mail,
- Re: MIME attachments and ranting.,
Bill Stewart
- Fundamental Netscape hack,
Bill Stewart
- Quick ITAR question....,
- Errors in Applied Cryptography, 2nd Edition,
Bruce Schneier
- Unabomber ?,
John Young
- (Yet Another?) Netscape Crack Web page,
Laurent Demailly
- articles,
- Cypherpunks Hold a Cracking Party,
Duncan Frissell
- WebSTAR "challenge",
t byfield
- SFChron,
- Verification of Random Number Generators,
Erik E. Fair" (Time Keeper)
- Why Surveillance State Needs Toy Crypto,
Timothy C. May
- Investing on Information We Get Here,
Timothy C. May
- Mini-mailbombs and Warning Letters,
Timothy C. May
- Avoiding weak IDEA keys?,
Hadmut Danisch
- unabomber paper,
Rich Lethin
- ASCII unabomber paper attribution and FTP address,
Rich Lethin
- Crypto Sync Issue,
Tom Rollins
- Encryption algorithms used in PrivaSoft,
L. McCarthy
- Re: Encryption algorithms used in PrivaSoft (fwd),
L. McCarthy
- Re: Caribbean Internet Services? (yes!),
Vincent Cate
- netscape broken on NPR,
- SUP_con,
John Young
- Cylink,
- Financial Services Technology Consortium,
Robert Hettinga
- Re: ASCII unabomber paper attribution and FTP address (fwd),
Jim Choate
- Una FTPaper 2,
John Young
- Netscape responds.,
Daniel R. Oelke
- NetManage - Cylink Press Announcement,
Bob Williams
- A Netscape Server implementation error,
Andrew Roos
- netscape's response,
- Re: NSA and Netscape Crack,
Jim Ray
- New Kid On The Block,
Aleph One
- Public Key Partners Dissolved!!!!!,
Standing Turtle
- Netscape on randseed issue,
Stephan Somogyi
- Change of address {No crypto content},
Michael Froomkin
- Stand up and be heard!,
Tobin T Fricke
- WWW: Unabomber Manifesto,
Damaged Justice
Rich Salz
- Not Crypto: Referencing Electronic Texts,
Deranged Mutant
- FROM A FRIEND . . .,
Sandy Sandfort
- response to netscape's press release,
- PGP back in legal limbo?,
rick hoselton
- Commercial RSAref,
Adam Shostack
- [NOISE] Unabomber - crypto-anarchist?!?,
Sherry Mayo
- My Day,
Ian Goldberg
- Netscape closes UNCHANGED!,
Censored Girls Anonymous
- Netscape sub rosa?,
Timothy C. May
- Re: SSL implementation problem at Netscape,
David A. Wagner
- C'Punks meet the T*'s, T*'s meet the C'Punks!,
Censored Girls Anonymous
- Please send me SSL problems...,
Jeff Weinstein
Robert Hettinga
- `Random' seed.,
Richard Martin
- Banks and Netscape InSec,
- USA Today on Fear of Credit Cards over Net,
- Re: Security Flaw Is Discovered In Software Used in Shopping,
Robert Hettinga
- Cypherpunks Press release,
Dietrich J. Kappe
- drand48() bug,
Arve Kjoelen
- Munitions shirt (again),
Ian Goldberg
- RSA Prevails In Arbitration Against Cylink,
- Silly NetScape RND tricks...,
Deranged Mutant
- Re: MIME,
Patrick Horgan
- Why couldn't it have been 42?,
Rich Salz
- Hypermail gateway,
Raph Levien
- MacRandoms,
W. Kinney
- Announce: Private Idaho beta release,
Joel McNamara
- netscape bug,
Vladimir Z. Nuri
- MD5 in Eudora,
Andrew Spring
- cypherpunks press releases/contact list: YES!! DO IT!!,
Vladimir Z. Nuri
- A message from Joe Six-Pack,
Mike McNally
- "random" number seeds vs. Netscape,
Phil Karlton
- PKP Lawsuit Settled: Both Sides Claim Victory,
Bruce Schneier
- software,
- Netscape closes up 1 3/8 today!,
Censored Girls Anonymous
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Netscape closes up 1 3/8 today!,
Tom Weinstein
- Re: Netscape closes up 1 3/8 today!,
- Re: Netscape closes up 1 3/8 today!,
Christopher J. Shaulis
- Netscape to end Linux support?,
Jeff Simmons
- Re: Netscape to end Linux support?,
Laurent Demailly
- Re: Netscape closes up 1 3/8 today!,
Jeff Weinstein
- Netscape for Linux?,
Jeff Simmons
- Re: Netscape for Linux?,
Tom Paquin
- Re: Netscape for Linux?,
Christopher J. Shaulis
- Re: Netscape for Linux?,
- Re: Netscape for Linux?,
Ed Carp [khijol SysAdmin]
- Re: Netscape for Linux?,
Jeff Weinstein
- Re: Netscape for Linux?,
Ed Carp [khijol SysAdmin]
- Re: Netscape for Linux?,
Bob Snyder
- Re: Netscape closes up 1 3/8 today!,
Mike Fletcher
- Re: Netscape closes up 1 3/8 today!,
David Mandl
- French Navy Security Compromised (Current by Shallow),
Joseph M. Reagle Jr.
- Project: a standard cell random number generator,
John Gilmore
- Re: Project: a standard cell random number generator,
Perry E. Metzger
- Random Number State,
Eric Young
- Re: Project: a standard cell random number generator,
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Project: a standard cell random number generator,
Timothy C. May
- Re: Project: a standard cell random number generator,
Bill Stewart
- Re: Project: a standard cell random number generator,
- Re: Project: a standard cell random number generator,
David G. Koontz
- Re: Fwd: Re: Project: a standard cell random number generator,
Dave Neuenschwander
- Re: Project: a standard cell random number generator,
Pierre Uszynski
- Re: Fwd: Re: Project: a standard cell random number generator,
Rich Salz
- Re: Project: a standard cell random number generator,
James A. Donald
- netscpe will release code?,
- SCIENCE magazine on computers,
- Re: www.commentary.unabomber,
Censored Girls Anonymous
- Selling our spin. was: Cypherpunks Press release,
Pat Farrell
- Spam of c'punks list: cleaning it up now.,
John Gilmore
- Euro-Clipper,
Ian Goldberg
- Netscape Servers too ? (forwarded message from Marc VanHeyningen),
Laurent Demailly
- What's with the list? (Old mail?!),
Deranged Mutant
- Netscape is doing well -- give 'em a break.,
John Gilmore
- Entropy vs Random Bits,
David Van Wie
- Re: your mail,
- RE: Patents and trade secrets,
David Van Wie
- Re: (none),
James A. Donald
- Re: netscape's response (source code review),
John Gilmore
- Re: Patents and trade secrets was: Encryption algorithms used in PrivaSoft,
Thaddeus J. Beier
- What's with the list? (Ol,
- Seeds which depend on machine states,
Miguel Diaz
- Fraud Fraut Froth,
- Re: first virtual "security" (!!) (was Re: Security Flaw Is Discovered InSoftware Used in Shopping),
NSB's Portable (via RadioMail)
- PRNG state (and conditioning) (was Re: netscape's response),
Carl Ellison
- Re: [NOISE] "hacker" was: first virtual "security",
NSB's Portable (via RadioMail)
- Re: FROM A FRIEND . . . (the joys of boating),
Landon Dyer
- Council of Europe proposes to outlaw strong encryption (fwd),
David Lesher
- Re: FROM A FRIEND . . . (or the joys of boating),
- Persistent Services Needed,
Timothy C. May
- Has anyone seen the CatMan (catburgler)?,
- The Next Hack,
- Re: Please send me SSL prob,
Joe Tardo
- Fraud Can Flourish Without the Internet,
- economic espionage (@#$%^&*),
Vladimir Z. Nuri
- Prosecution of Cracking Security Systems,
Timothy C. May
- "Gnusaic"? Why not a Gnu-Style Web Browser?,
Timothy C. May
- [NOISE] Re: NYT on Netscape Crack,
Rob Vaughn
- Cryptography book source,
Joel McNamara
- Crypto *import* ban?,
Brad Dolan
- real randomness for netscape - user clicking mouse,
Vincent Cate
- Anyone for testing MOSS?,
Raph Levien
- Pitfall in producing random numbers,
Norman Hardy
- Was the Netscape Flaw Over-Publicized?,
Timothy C. May
- Re: Patents and trade secrets was: Encryption algorithms used in PrivaSoft (fwd),
Norman Hardy
- Re: economic espionage (@#$%^&*) (fwd),
Jim Choate
- Cypherpunks, Sun and JAVA,
Harry S. Hawk
- Netscape RNG,
Joe Block
- Miami FL key signing,
Joe Block
- NSCP: Unch..vol rises...morn selling,
Censored Girls Anonymous
- Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Ray Cromwell
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Ray Cromwell
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Ray Cromwell
Ray Cromwell
Jeff Weinstein
Ray Cromwell
Rainer Heesen
Perry E. Metzger
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
David Lesher
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Perry E. Metzger
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Ray Cromwell
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Laurent Demailly
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Duncan Frissell
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Jeff Weinstein
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Laurent Demailly
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Perry E. Metzger
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Halvor Kise jr.
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Dietrich J. Kappe
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Jeff Weinstein
- Mosaic Bug (same as Netscape bug) (was Re: Another Netscape Bug),
- Re: Mosaic Bug (same as Netscape bug) (was Re: Another Netscape Bug),
Jeff Weinstein
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Perry E. Metzger
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Scott M Fabbri
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Adam Shostack
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Adam Shostack
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Aleph One
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Ray Cromwell
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Jon Lasser
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Yih-Chun Hu
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Thomas Grant Edwards
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Herb Sutter
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Peter Trei
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Patrick Lamb
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Patrick Horgan
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
David R. Conrad
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Duncan Frissell
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Douglas Barnes
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Douglas Barnes
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
- Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole),
Bill Stewart
- Netscape bug update,
Ray Cromwell
- Netscape Server Attacks,
Ray Cromwell
- Arena as well (was: Netscape Bug),
Halvor Kise jr.
- Weak Keys in RC4,
Andrew Roos
- e$: Non-Repudiation,
Robert Hettinga
- SSL Man-in-the-middle,
David J. Bianco
- Re: Exchange random numbers (was: Re: netscape's response),
Patrick Horgan
- Munition (RSA/Perl) T-shirts Now Shipping From Stock!,
Don Henson
- new source of PGP sourcecode,
Michael Hortmann
- Executing code on the stack, was Re: netscape bug,
Patrick Horgan
- Reformatted Weak Keys in RC4 for readability.,
Patrick Horgan
- Defense against a class of programming bugs,
Rich Salz
- (noise) Subject: Married with Children (was: Re: Netscape closes up 1 3/8 today!),
David R. Conrad
- business intelligence or BI,
Ray Cromwell
- Netscape bug and the IMG tag.,
Dietrich J. Kappe
- Re: XDM has the same problem as netscape ?!,
Arve Kjoelen
- Worms and New Netscape Bug,
Rich Lethin
- Netscape for Linux,
Jeff Simmons
- ip: Freeh: Kiddie Porn was Encrypted (fwd),
Rev. Ben
- Re: Netscape to end Linux support?,
Bret A. Johnson
- 2 new MixMasters,
John Perry
- MS Word Virus,
- test,
- RE: RNG Resource FAQ (was Re: "random" number seeds vs. Netscape),
David Van Wie
- "Going after Netscape",
Timothy C. May
- WordBasic and other macro languages,
Herb Sutter
- Notes security question,
Herb Sutter
- More on "Entropy",
Timothy C. May
- T-Shirt Spams,
Timothy C. May
- another net phone (crypto),
Mark Hittinger
- speak freely,
Bob Smart
- The Fortezza random number generator is not trustworthy,
John Gilmore
- SecureDrive/Secure Device News,
Edgar Swank
- HEY!!! WAS: The Next Hack,
Censored Girls Anonymous
- (Fwd) Netscape Commerce Server and Certificates,
Peter Trei
- ? Me?,
Censored Girls Anonymous
- Step One: We admitted,
Censored Girls Anonymous
- Re:,
Alan Olsen
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re:,
James A. Donald
- Seattle Cypherpunks,
Joel McNamara
- macworld crypto articles,
steven ryan
- Need Pathfinder "Cypherpunks" password,
Lucky Green
- Important Announcement from Money & Investing Update,
Money & Investing Update
- Hello,
Xavier Naveira
- Cypherpunks Lite,
- Re: Netscape for Linux?,
Bill Stewart
- Apology to Netscape.,
Censored Girls Anonymous
- Books -- personal notification service,
- Books -- personal notification service (fwd),
Adam Shostack
- Found on usenet: ACLU -- "Big Brother and the power of the Net",
Steven Weller
- Kerberos,
Peter Beckman
- Entropy VI: "Shannon's Choice" (with apologies to Wm. Styron),
Alan Westrope
- Piggybacking,
Rich Lethin
- change of address notice for Marc Donner,
Marc Donner
- Lynx (or approx for Windows)?,
James Caldwell
- Crypto in Wired,
steven ryan
- Netscape giving away T-shirts?,
- Netscape "random" number seed generator code available,
Phil Karlton
- What version of PGP?,
Bret A. Johnson
- John Deutsch,
Rev. Ben
- Net KiddiePorn Hype on TV,
- Colin Powell coming to Dallas,
Ed Carp [khijol SysAdmin]
- secure file system for Linux?,
- New Netscape RNG,
Ray Cromwell
- Phil Karn's legal case is filed; here's the Complaint.,
John Gilmore
- ANNOUNCE: Bryce's Auto-PGP v1.0 available for 10 cyberbucks,
Bryce Wilcox
- Net Gambling on CNN,
Duncan Frissell
- Re: Decompiling Netscape,
Rick Busdiecker
- New remailer now active.,
William Ono
- RSA/Cylink arbitration agreement on-line,
Brian A. LaMacchia
- Netscape flaw hits the big time,
Ed Carp [khijol SysAdmin]
- WSJ on Netscape Hole 3,
John Young
- (Another) WSJ article,
- Key signing at Miami Convention,
Michael Taht
- JAV_jiv,
John Young
- Golden Coy Freeh,
John Young
- Electronic Commerce,
Robert Hettinga
- Netscape as vehicle for cypherpunk agenda/the cypherpunk bully pulpit,
- List of US representitives,
Brian Gorka
- Re: CyberAngels,
Jim Grubs (W8GRT
- PM's Netscape rant,
Vladimir Z. Nuri
- Article in 9/25 Computerworld about Netscape,
Mike Fletcher
- Security Update news release,
Jeff Weinstein
- The Law of ElectronicCommerce: EDI, E-mail and Internet,
Robert Hettinga
- Re: Primality verification needed,
William Allen Simpson
- Suspicious Action Reports,
Brad Dolan
- NYT on Nscp Flaw 3,
John Young
- Mixmaster Remailer FAQ,
- Netscape for OS/2, when? (Re: Another Netscape Bug),
Sentiono Leowinata
- Hack Microsoft?,
Ray Cromwell
- ADMIN: Sudden CP Vacation, rest up while you can...,
Hugh Daniel
- truerand,
Jeff Barber
- getting netscape to support the remailers,
- Fax Number List,
K. M. Ellis
- Archives current again,
Leslie Todd Masco
- Insecurity in WWW oriented security,
Tim Scanlon
- Re: cypherpunks press releases/contact list,
- "Notes" to be Eclipsed by "Netscape",
Timothy C. May
- SpokesPunking...,
Robert Hettinga
- Re: Hack Microsoft NT C2 Rating?,
Bill Stewart
- First Payments WG Meeting Announcement,
Phillip M. Hallam-Baker
- [NOISE] Re: Easter Eggs,
Alan Olsen
- IBE_dam,
John Young
- Netscape Stock Prices,
Jeff Simmons
- [More NOISE] Re: Netscape for OS/2, when? (Re: Another Netscape Bug),
Alan Olsen
- Banks eyeball sci-fi style identification for ATMs,
- Internet draft on MIME/PGP,
P.J. Ponder
- weak links in DigiCash system,
Bryce Wilcox
- Windows MixMaster Client,
Brian Gorka
Ian M. Schirado
- CHA_cha,
John Young
- Status of Netscape Bug Exploit (suggestions needed),
Ray Cromwell
- Time Keys, Some Secure Ideas (by Alias: Jay Hyden),
Anonymous Remailing Service
- PGP and FBI?,
Deranged Mutant
- chaos cryptography,
Sherry Mayo
- Re: Yet Another Alarmist TV Show About Child Molesters on the Ne,
James Caldwell
- Coercion-proof remailers (solved?),
Mike Ingle
- Wild Idea for RNG,
Ray Cromwell
- Hack Microsoft At Work Fax?,
Bill Stewart
- testab,
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- testab,
- HP KEscrew,
John Young
- SSTarget,
John Young
- NO weak links in DigiCash system!!!,
Marcel van der Peijl
- FT on NsCPunxsters,
John Young
- Hegel,
Bob Bruen, MIT Lab for Nuclear Science
- Using sound cards to accelerate RSA?,
Simon Spero
- [ PROPOSED NEW STANDARD ] "I-like-encrypted-mail" tag,
Travis Corcoran
- Re: Timothy C. May: Mini-mailbombs and Warning Letters,
Travis Corcoran
- It's Wednesday,
Duncan Frissell
- Microsoft & new Internet Security specs,
Harry S. Hawk
- (fwd) CYLINK Q&A on PKP Arbitration Decision,
Childers James
- Sorry or something,
Marcel van der Peijl
- Re: JCrypt (was: getting netscape to support the remailers),
Douglas Barnes
- Schnorr patent,
- [Q] Checkfree Wallet,
Harry S. Hawk
- Re: nymserver,
Bill Stewart
- X.509, S/MIME, and evolution of PGP,
Bill Stewart
- weak links in the cyberbucks demo (was: weak links in DigiCash system),
Bryce Wilcox
- Information, We want information,
Todd Glassey
- Patch release of Netscape available,
Phil Karlton
- NIS library code exposure,
Phil Karlton
- Looking for advice.,
Patrick Horgan
- Netscape seems to fix the overflow bug,
Dietrich J. Kappe
- Problems with netscape patch and W95,
Robert A. Hayden
- Mathematics Library Plus -- Interactive Math Tutorial (fwd),
Jim Choate
- STT_???,
John Young
- Netscpae & Fortezza (Or, say it Ain't so, Jeff?),
Adam Shostack
- Re: Netscpae & Fortezza (Or, say it Ain't so, Jeff?),
Simon Spero
- Re: Netscpae & Fortezza (Or, say it Ain't so, Jeff?),
Matt Blaze
- Re: Netscpae & Fortezza (Or, say it Ain't so, Jeff?),
Jeff Weinstein
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Netscpae & Fortezza (Or, say it Ain't so, Jeff?),
Bill Stewart
- 25 Crays a Year to Break STT,
John Young
- Cryptanalysis of RC4 - Preliminary Results,
Andrew Roos
- 2nd notice - IEEE Symp on Security and Privacy - Call for papers,
Robert Hettinga
- european version of EFF/EPIC/etc?,
Perry E. Metzger
- Simple Hardware RNG Idea,
- awards for hacking microsoft,
- [NOISE] Java,
- sled corp,
Alan Pugh
- Re: Prvasoft FAX Encryption Software,
Bill Stewart
- FSTC - What is it...,
Todd Glassey
- Q&A on the RSA/Cylink legal dispute,
- Anon Http web Proxy V2.1,
Laurent Demailly
- NPR reports on Digital Express Secure Telephone,
Rich Lethin
- Re: 2^25 Crays a Year to Break STT,
Matt Thomlinson
- VISA and Microsoft STT Specs available,
- SAIC bought InterNic, but who is SAIC? A spook contractor!,
John Gilmore
- Netscape and privacy,
Chris Smyth
- worldwide announce: New OTP Mail/FTP apps,
Doug Hughes
- Crypto hardware (was: Using sound cards to accelerate RSA?),
Douglas Barnes
- GSSAPI compliant Apps,
Rev. Ben
- 53 of the FAX No's. are GOOD!,
Censored Girls Anonymous
- Re: Ray Cromwell: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security (fwd),
- [NOISE] Re: SAIC bought InterNic, but who is SAIC? A spook contractor!,
Bill Stewart
- Cypherpunks Fax Service,
- Cryptanalysis of RC4 - Preliminary Results (Repeat),
Andrew Roos
- screensavers and idle computation.,
Allan Bailey
- FinCen Blurb in local paper,
Kevin L Prigge
- Assessing Netscape Commerce Server Risk,
Dave Millar
- Netscape hole without .Xauthority (fwd),
Jyri Kaljundi
- Re: netscape NSRANDFILE compatible with /dev/random ?,
Carl Ellison
- Traveling abroad with laptops,
P. Rajaram
- COE Document,
Dave Banisar
- Info War Comes Home,
Duncan Frissell
- "Who shall speak for us?",
Timothy C. May
- HP Lobbies for Exportable Crypto,
Ben Wern
- This fax list is 95% accurate!,
Censored Girls Anonymous
- STT is 40-bit for RC4, 56-bit for DES,
Stephan Somogyi
- (Fwd) Internet Euro-Clipper,
Peter Trei
- SOFTWARE: Filtering ads out of popular web sites,
Rich Lethin
- Call for IT Sec XX,
- SKIp,
Doug Hughes
- Elementrix Press Release,
David Van Wie
- Web "places" and the media monsters,
Vladimir Z. Nuri
- RSA's comments on RC4 weak keys,
- Re: Electronic junk mail (one solution),
Ford Prefect
- Yet Another "(Fwd) Internet Euro-Clipper",
Timothy C. May
- ESM under ULTRIX?,
Dan Bailey
- Export/import of chips,
John D. Ervin
- Murdering Electronic junk mailers *should* be legal. Nuking thei,
- RTR-3 Package/Bomb Inspection System,
- Computer Misuse Detection System,
- SAIC Acquires Network Solutions,
- SAIC Shows Crime-Fighting Technology,
- SAIC's FBI ID System,
- SAIC in VA,
- SAIC in MD,
- SAIC Global Web,
- SAIC in CA,
- SAIC Directors,
- SAIC in DC,
- Re: Operation Stop The Aliens,
- A new tack on breaking SSL streams and NetScape servers,
John L. Bass
- NetScape's dependence upon RSA down for the count!,
John L. Bass
- my favorite random-numbers-in-software package (unix),
Matt Blaze
- The 4th Estate,
Tim Philp
- Auto-signing,
- Digests No Longer Available,
- WHERE did this come from?,
- Re: List latency.,
Joel McNamara
- Re: The Free Speech Implications of Remailers,
James Caldwell
Mail converted by MHonArc