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Re: Joe Sixpack and his TV

On Sun, 17 Sep 1995 s675570@aix2.uottawa.ca wrote:

> If Mr. & Mrs J. Sixpack seem to know zilch at present about strong or any 
> other other kind of crypto, would it maybe, possibly have to do with a lack
> of exposure to it on the soap operas of their favorite media, ie TV? Hmmm.
> The general level of paranoia on X-Files (100 milion viewers all over the 
> world, rabid internet following) is even higher than on this list, and 
> the usual discussions on this list would read like a free vacation to their
> scriptwriters and researchers. Anyone have any scriptwriting skills?
> 100 million potential subscribers to toad are stake... (Yes I guess then
> we'd have to move to usenet distribution. But think how entertaining our
> flames wars would become. Yes I'm definitely calling for it, and the big 
> house with the hot tub would be nice too. Only half joking. Honestly though, 
> anyone want to find out their email addreses and send out a gratis 
> subscription to toad? A script would be nice too. It's better exposure 
> than five seconds of Tim with Connie Chung.)

As I understand it shows like "The X-Files" don't accept unsolicited 
scripts.  Not surprising as I'm sure they have writer's agreements.

"In fact, had Bancroft not existed,       potestas scientiae in usu est
Franklin might have had to invent him."    in nihilum nil posse reverti
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