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Re: Joe Sixpack and his TV

It also captures Tim nicely. I'll point out, though, that exchanges
like that can be handled properly or badly. Doing it right means
answering truthfully but in a way that explains your position rather
than alienating the audiance.

When you have time to answer questions like that (TV isn't a medium
suitable for this) the right way to answer the last one is to do
something like referencing Thoreau. By the way, I like the opening of
Civil Disobediance so much I thought I'd post it.

         I heartily accept the  motto, "That government is  best
    which governs least"; and I should  like to see it acted  up
    to more rapidly and systematically.  Carried out, it finally
    amounts to this, which  also I believe--"That government  is
    best which governs not  at all"; and  when men are  prepared
    for it, that will be the  kind of government which the  will


Robert Hettinga writes:
> >(...It's better exposure
> >than five seconds of Tim with Connie Chung.)
> Connie: "So it's really true that you're an anarchist? That you believe that
>          semi-*automatic weapons* and strong *cryptography* should
>          be *freely* available to *everyone*? and that strong
>          cryptography on a *public* network like the *internet* will
>          bring about the collapse of nation states all over the
>          *world*?"
> Tim:    "Yes."
> Connie: "But, what about *democracy*? What the will of the *people*?"
> Tim:    "What about them?"
> A little more than 5 seconds, but I believe that captures her inflection
> pretty nicely, don't you think?