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Important Announcement from Money & Investing Update
The Wall Street Journal's Money & Investing Update (http://update.wsj.com)
has now introduced Company Briefing Books, a major product enhancement that
enables Update readers to get a rich, up-to-the-minute background report on
any company in the news.
Briefing Books are highly graphical compilations of recent news, stock
charts, and financial data, available on more than 6,500 U.S. and
international companies. They include news from The Wall Street Journal and
Dow Jones newswires, as well as background reports and performance data from
other leading information sources.
Money & Investing Update editors now include direct hyperlinks to Briefing
Books from nearly every significant mention of a company in Update stories
and tables. In addition, readers can ask for a Briefing Book on a company of
their choosing at any time simply by entering a company name or stock symbol.
The Money & Investing Update is at http://update.wsj.com. If you haven't
read the Update in a while, please try this important new feature. You can
go directly to a Briefing Book request form at this URL:
Best wishes,
The Editors and Staff of Money & Investing Update
For further information, contact us at info@update.wsj.com or call customer
support at 1-800-369-2834.
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