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Re: Whitehouse "dissident" web site monitoring?

> | Oh please!  Some clerk browses the internet and you don't want to respect
> | their privacy because of the IRS?  This makes sense how?  I suppose that
> | you're going to dig up information about me and spread it around the 
> | internet because you have issues about the company I work for?
> 	First off, I was being somewhat sarcastic, as you might have
> noticed from several things, not the least of which was the phrase
> 'sarcasm aside.' 
> 	That said, why should I respect the privacy of government
> employees?  There is a substantial difference between government and
> private companies, in that I am not compelled in any way to do
> business any private company.
> Adam

Someone is making you let users at government sites browse your website?

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