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Re: Scientology tries to break PGP - and fails?

On Fri, 8 Sep 1995, Alan Westrope wrote:

> Tonight's local news included an interesting blurb about this case.
> The judge refused to order Wollersheim to disclose his passphrase,
> since the encrypted material comprised names of Co$ critics
> who could then be targeted by the Church.  And the secret (and
> copyright!) $criptures were read in court and excerpts broadcast
> on the news, "close-captioned for the hearing-impaired."

Anyone have the name of this action, the court it was in or the name of 
the judge?  I would very much like to see a transcript of his order.

> All the entertaining stuff some of us have been reading on the
> net was there:  aliens transported to earth, volcanoes h-bombed,
> thetans...I laughed my ass off.  A bigtime win for PGP and encryption
> generally, and a major PR debacle for the $cienos.
> Kute Korrespondences Koda:
> Tomorrow, Sept. 9, there will be protests worldwide at Co$ centers.
> I was cleaning out some paperwork and disk file archives recently,
> and noticed that the ViaCrypt and Austin Code Works subpoenas were
> dated Sept. 9, 1993.  Grady Ward of ACW has, of course, been a
> major Co$ antagonist, making good use of PGP and the Cypherpunks
> remailers.  The old message I found detailing these subpoenas was
> from this list's sometime visionary, L. Detweiler.
> Alan Westrope                  <awestrop@nyx10.cs.du.edu>
> __________/|-,                 <adwestro@ouray.cudenver.edu>
>    (_)    \|-'                  2.6.2 public key: finger / servers
> PGP 0xB8359639:  D6 89 74 03 77 C8 2D 43   7C CA 6D 57 29 25 69 23
> Version: 2.6.2
> iQCVAwUBMFDh51RRFMq4NZY5AQEO/gP/VgOEP8LpcrrIno2yj3oqD7zHc3a0d5If
> GC/ze1b6frpWPKo2mIb7IiZQzQ8rkZmky07PR9MV6jPO4S8UCpwix/ylgV1kGWmd
> WWWe4t8xVfHc2wJGS7qjRvkt8PDvgPkcHWktxOHkASl9cemscwYJbGyXq1BkCJCT
> Mkgv7cSClDM=
> =Nuz5