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In article <199509220836.EAA14476@clark.net>, rjc@clark.net (Ray Cromwell) writes:
> Disregard that last message. Those drugs I was taking must have just kicked
> in. I was running another program in the background which coincidentally
> brought up an xterm at the same time I clicked on the link. Damn,
> and I thought I had found another bug. Ah well. There's probably one lurking
> there somewhere. It was good while it lasted. When I hit "send" and
> that xterm popped up, I almost jumped out of my seat. ;-) Remember
> this lesson, you should always try to repeat your bugs atleast three
> times. ;-)

  Thanks for quickly posting this retraction.  For the record, netscape
talks SMTP directly, and does not run an external program to send mail.


Jeff Weinstein - Electronic Munitions Specialist
Netscape Communication Corporation
jsw@netscape.com - http://home.netscape.com/people/jsw
Any opinions expressed above are mine.