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At 01:24 AM 9/21/95 +0000, shields@tembel.org (Michael Shields) wrote:
>> >I think that it must be the content-type that is causing problems,
>> Yes, I agree. Make it something like ASCII text

>But it's not text/plain.  It's PGP'ed text/plain.  The only way to
>indicate this in MIME is with a content-type.  (Yes, they're working on
>a general way to encapsulate encryption.)

Part of the problem is that application/pgp is being used both for
encrypted data and also for clearsigned data, which really have different
handling needs.  With clearsigned, you might want to read it,
but might also want to PGP it.

One possibility is to do multipart messages with the body in one part
and a detached signature in another.
# Bill Stewart, Freelance Information Architect, stewarts@ix.netcom.com
# Phone +1-510-247-0664 Pager/Voicemail 1-408-787-1281