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Re: Operation Stop The Aliens

At 09:11 AM 9/30/95 -0500, you wrote:
>-- [ From: FELIX R. WILSON SR. * EMC.Ver #2.3 ] --
> Attachment: natltr.txt Code: 00H7GFL   \ Created: 09-29-95, 06:21 PM [34 Kb]
>The Attached File Is For Viewing It I In Text Format Please Forward To
>Everyone on the net work. and post to every board " Please.." 

What the hell is going on here!  Why am I suddenly seeing spam from every
nazi wannabe on the net?  Some of this crap has been posted to the
Cypherpunks list.  What kind of weird reputation do we have in the outside
world?  I would venture to guess that we have more anti-authoritatians here
than authoritarians.  Are these people that clueless (or stupid) to post
that crap here?  So far, I have been getting neo-nazi spam, Christian Nazi
spam, Libritarian nazi chain letter spam, and (why do I expect vikings to
desend from the ceiling) a whole lot more.  The next thing I expect to see
here is "evil aliens are stealing my luggage" spam.

I expect this bozo will have his account removed pretty quick...

Maybe we need a few national stories about the horrible things that happen
to people who spam mailing lists and newsgroups. ("Suddenly a wrecking crew
showed up at their house and leveled it to the ground.")

|  Minister of Forced Caffinization in the DNRC   | alano@teleport.com   |
|"The moral PGP Diffie taught Zimmerman unites all| Disclaimer:          |
| mankind free in one-key-steganography-privacy!" | Ignore the man       |
|   -- PGP 2.6.2 key available on request --      |  behind the keyboard.|
|         http://www.teleport.com/~alano          |       <fnord>        |