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RE: VCRPLUS Huffman code

>On Tue, 5 Sep 1995, Peter Trei wrote:
>> > Has anyone worked out the VCRPLUS code?
>  <chomp>
>> Code which implemented this partial crack was published on the net,
>> and the VCR+ people got very upset about it - apparently they make
>  I believe the code is in the cookbook archive at ftp.ee.ualberta.ca,
>but when I just tried to confirm I got timeouts.
>   Brian

Among many other places, you can get this off my Web page, in:

 - Tunny
James A. Tunnicliffe   | WWWeb: http://www.inference.com/~tunny
Inference Corporation  | PGP Fingerprint:   CA 23 E2 F3 AC 2D 0C 77
tunny@Inference.com    | <--finger for key  36 07 D9 33 3D 32 53 9C