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Re: cryptography eliminates lawyers?

On Thu, 14 Sep 1995, Dar Scott wrote:

> Black Unicorn wrote,


> >> Perhaps, I could have use the phrases "non-coercion-based" licensing and
> >> "coercion-based" licensing, but I am not comfortable with these--trade
> >> licensing invokes too violent of an image.
> >
> >I think this construction is still flawed.  I will remain by my position
> >that licensing is useful when not used to collect taxes or
> >otherwise overregulate.  I also hold that the distinctions you make
> >between licensing and certification are without functional difference in
> >effect and are deceptive in that they suggest a significant difference in
> >effect or purpose where there is none.
> >
> The difference in effect is in emergent market optimization.  The
> difference in purpose is ethical.
> I have learned that you--and perhaps others--do not see an important
> difference in these two styles of influencing behavior.  I see a major
> difference and in thinking the difference was obvious was slow in
> understanding your position.

I think I understand your position now.

To me there is little difference in how one is persuaded against one's 
will.  Certainly I dislike violence, but some of the "persuasive" methods 
in a market economy sicken me just as much as force might.

In any event, your construction makes sense to me, even if I do not find 
it useful myself.

> Great.  You're already enjoying breakfast and I still have to go to bed.

I hate time zones.

> Dar
> ===========================================================
> Dar Scott               Home phone: +1 505 299 9497
> Dar Scott Consulting         Voice: +1 505 299 5790
> 8637 Horacio Place NE        Email: darscott@aol.com
> Albuquerque, NM  87111              dsc@swcp.com
>                                Fax: +1 505 898 6525
> http://www.swcp.com/~correspo/DSC/DarScott.html
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