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[NOISE] Re: SecureDrive News - Win95 yes, Iomega zip drive no

At 04:56 PM 9/16/95 -0400, darky wrote:

>	Have you tried an 'INSTALL=' line in the CONFIG.SYS to load
>the drive's TSR first?  INSTALL is a rarely-documented feature for the
>CONFIG.SYS to load a TSR during its processing.  I believe it also
>saves memory by not loading some sort of header to into memory (DOS
>PSP maybe?), which may also cause a problem.  Can't hurt to try
>though, eh?

After thinking about this (and drinking more coffee) I realized that he is
loading the GUEST.EXE driver.  This is not the best way to get the Zip drive
to work.  (It is meant as a temporary fix.)  There is actually a set of
drivers that can be installed in the config.sys file.  (Check the
documentation for installing the ASPI drivers and install the PPA3 driver as
the first of the three.)  This is poorly documented by Iomega, but it works.

|  Minister of Forced Caffinization in the DNRC   | alano@teleport.com   |
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