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Re: An opportunity not to be missed

>It has occurred to me with the approach of the presidential campaign
>in the US (and its attendant press frenzy), that there is an an
>unprecedentedly vast opportunity to bring certain items on the
>cypherpunk platform into the public spotlight.
>     Candidate Posturing                    Required Spin
>     -----------------------------------------------------------------
>     Pro-business, tough on crime           anonymous crime tip e-mail
>                                            a la Fed whistleblower stuff,
>                                            and the SPA

Now that you mention it, it seems to me that completely anonymous tipsters
with the ability to receive ecash rewards would likely be a bigger boon to
law enforcement types than would easily tappable communications lines.  
Is anyone in a position to set up a cypherpunks CrimeStoppers mailbox (for
use through the remailers)?  You could set up a web-page with instructions
and a list of crimes for which there are rewards.  Perhaps some civic
organiztions would be willing to donate money for tips leading to arrests
and convictions of any crimes.  Even if it doesn't catch any bad guys, it'd be
great PR for strong crypto, anonymity, ecash and whoever runs it.

                          | (Douglas) Hofstadter's Law:
Frank Stuart              | It always takes longer than you expect, even 
fstuart@vetmed.auburn.edu | when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.