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Re: NSA says Joe Sixpack won't buy crypto
I'm not sure I see the words "cryptography" or any related to them
here. It might be an interesting topic, but it probably isn't
cypherpunks material.
Alan Horowitz writes:
> "Just cough up the peace dividend".
> There is no ppeace dividend. There is a massive eco-spill of government
> debt; quite possibly larger than the GNP capacity of the American
> economy to repay anytime in the next century.
> The debt will be bankrupted, in some stealthy manner, hidden by masses of
> smoke and mirrors. Nothing new here - it's about the only thing that
> works. For the mosrt recent examples, read up on FDR's confiscation of
> gold in (?) 1933. Or read the detrails of the currency changeover
> effected by the occupation authorities in Germany (1947 or 1948).
> Alan Horowitz
> alanh@infi.net