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Re: question about reputation
At 09:53 AM 9/11/95 -0700, Tim wrote:
>(Humorous Sidenote: an informal variant of the Chess Grandmaster approach
>is to use the best arguments found on one list on _another_ list. Another
>variant, widely used, is to adopt the best arguments of others and use them
>one's self (oneself?). This is how memes spread, and is central to the
>advancement of knowledge.)
John Young uses this approach, quite effectively; his source lists are
the New Yawk Times and Wall Street Journal, and the reputation he's built
by forwarding the material has been quite good, in spite of the dubious
sources of his information :-)
# Bill Stewart, Freelance Information Architect, stewarts@ix.netcom.com
# Phone +1-510-247-0664 Pager/Voicemail 1-408-787-1281