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Found on usenet: ACLU -- "Big Brother and the power of the Net"

                    The Midpeninsula Chapter of
        American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California
            presents a free program, open to the public

Speaker:  Jim Warren, MicroTimes correspondent, originator of the West
          Coast Computer Faire, PBS Computer Chronicles and numerous
          other enterprises

Topic:    Big Brother and the power of the Net

Time:     Tuesday, October 17, 1995 at 8:00 pm

Place:    Mandarin Classic Restaurant; First & Main Streets, Los Altos

There is no fee and no reservation is required for those coming just
for the program, but this is the annual meeting of the Midpeninsula
Chapter and is preceded by a reception and dinner that are open to the
public, but for which a reservation is required (see below).

        6:00 pm Reception and no-host bar
        7:00 pm Dinner
        8:00 pm Jim Warren speaks


                            Dinner Reservation
                Please return by Friday, October 6, 1995

Dinner reservation for ____ person(s)

Check for $ _____ ($25 per person) is enclosed.  Please make check payable
to ACLU Mid-peninsula.

Mail to:  Iris Barrie                   If you have questions, call:
          4250 El Camino, D-138         Iris Barrie at 415-856-0193
          Palo Alto, CA  94306

Les Earnest (les@cs.stanford.edu)               Phone:  415 941-3984
Computer Science Dept.; Stanford, CA 94305        Fax:  415 941-3934

Steven Weller                      |  "The Internet, of course, is more
+1 415 390 9732                    |  than just a place to find pictures
                                   |  of people having sex with dogs."
stevenw@iglou.com                  |       -- Time Magazine, 3 July 1995