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new source of PGP sourcecode
Michael Hortmann
Dept. of Mathematics
University of Bremen
PGP public key by finger
Reconstructing PGP 2.6.1 Sourcecode by Scanning and OCR'ing the MIT-Press Book
It has always been somewhat awkward to produce legal versions of PGP
outside the US, requiring a lot of extra work.
Recently, MIT-Press published the book
Philip Zimmermann
PGP Source Code and Internals
which can be purchased in any bookstore.
In the foreword it is mentioned that this book may not be exportable, because
it has not been granted a "Commodities Jurisdiction" (CJ) by the US State
Department. However, the international book distributors don't seem to take
notice of that.
Presently, I'm trying to find out what the legal status of the book may be
in Germany, if it would be legitimate to request me to destroy it, or if on
the contrary I can legally extract its contents and publish the result
on the Internet.
In the meantime I have asked some of my students to scan the book.
This has already been accomplished, resulting in about 150MB image files.
Right now the OCR process is on its way; by looking at samples we are
optimistic that most mistakes will be found and corrected by a semiautomatic
editing process; what mistakes remain should be detected by the compiler.
As we will keep the image files, the original OCR files, the awk-scripts
and intermediate files of the editing process, there can be no doubt
that the final sourcecode has resulted from the book, and not from
an illegal ftp. Each file will be marked as of this origin.
When I'm convinced of the legality of this course of action, I will give
notice on the Net and deposit the final product and the intermediate files
under appropriate names in
For the Net-community it may be interesting to know now that such a project is
on its way.