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[NOISE] Alice's Remailer site (was:Re: Digital Fingerprinting)

> From: patrick@Verity.COM (Patrick Horgan)
> > From: Mac Norton <mnorton@cavern.uark.edu>
> > To: Patrick Horgan <patrick@Verity.COM>
> > On Wed, 13 Sep 1995, Patrick Horgan wrote:

> > > > > Then, in W.Ky., as in Stockbridge, "You can get
> > > > > anything you want..."? :)
> > > Why do I feel like I'm sitting on the group W bench?
> > I don't know, kid, what you in for?
> Encryption.  And they all moved away from me on the group W bench there,
> talking mean hairy eyeballs and all sorts of things until I said, and
> annoying the NSA, and they all moved back, talking about crime, PEM, PGP,
> and liberty and justice for all;)
> Patrick

I've seen various 'Alice Restaurant' pastiches, Alice's NNTP server, Alices 
MIT GUI, etc. I guess it's time to try to do one for crypto....

This song is called Alice's Remailer site and it's about Alice, and the
remailer site, but Alices Remailer site  is not the name of the Remailer 
site, it's the name of the song, and that's why I called this song Alice's
Remailer site.
        You can send anything you want through Alices Remailer site.
        You can send anything you want through Alices Remailer site.
        Connect right in it's around the back.
        Halfway down that seventeen inch rack.
        You can be anyone you want through Alice's Remailer site.



Peter Trei
Senior Software Engineer
Purveyor Development Team                                
Process Software Corporation