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Cryptography Technical Report Server (CTRS) needs submissions!
Earlier this week I posted a note bemoaning the lack of a good
searchable repository for cryptography related technical reports.
In short, I volunteered to develop, host and maintain such a system
as a service to the rest of the Internet. The system is ready, now
the fun part begins...
The Cryptographic Technical Report Service needs *YOU*. Specifically,
it needs your technical reports (or other technical documentation).
In order for CTRS to become popular, it needs to have a useful amount
of data to search, so I'm currently soliciting submissions for the
Contributing to CTRS is pretty simple. Detailed information can be
found at <http://porthos.itribe.net/CTRS/FAQ.html#contribute>, but
basically all that's required is to send <ctrs-submissions@itribe.net>
a refer-format bibliographic entry which contains a URL pointing to
the paper's real Net location. I'll index the entries (prettyprinting
them, of course), and CTRS users will follow that URL if they want to
retrieve the paper. If you don't have a URL, I'm willing to host as
many papers as I have resources for. Full details can be found at the
URL above, but please note that I'm only able to accept papers
submitted by the authors (or copyright holder).
If you'd like to know more about CTRS, you can check out it's beta
version at <http://www.itribe.net/CTRS/>
(<https://www.itribe.net/CTRS/> for the SSL version). The database
doesn't have much (anything) in it right now, so I'm relying totally on
submissions in order to build the collection.
I firmly believe that CTRS can provide a useful service to the
cryptographic community, so I hope you will all consider contributing
your reports to CTRS. If you have questions, please check out the
CTRS FAQ <http://www.itribe.net/CTRS/FAQ.html>. If you still have
questions, feel free to contact me at the email address below.
David J. Bianco | Web Wonders, Online Oddities, Cool Stuff
iTribe, Inc. |
Suite 1700, World Trade Center | email: <bianco@itribe.net>
Norfolk, VA 23510 | URL : http://www.itribe.net/~bianco/