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[NOISE] Re: Easter Eggs
At 10:21 AM 9/26/95 -0400, you wrote:
>I also think that in Netscape their existance is an
>indication that the managment at Netscape is a bit less uptight than
>management at some other places.
Depends on the department. They have at least one manager at Netscape with
a permenent case of high blood preasure. (He happens to be in charge of the
support department.)
>I didn't know about the FishCam Easter Egg, but I know that Netscape
>has a couple of Easter Eggs related to the activity indicator in the
>top right of the display. Typically this is the Big N logo with
>animated meteors, etc. flying by when the window is active. One
>Easter Egg temporarily turns this into a compass which spins to
>indicate activity. Another causes the animation to show a dragon
>(Mozilla) breathing fire for the remainder of the session. I won't
>spoil your fun by telling how to find them.
If he is not running X Windows, he is going to be searching along time for
the Compass easter egg. You also need X windows to find the Mozilla
animated icon hack on Jammie Zawinski's page. Which easter eggs that are
available is dependant on which client you are running.
obNetscapeHack: There is a feature called a "cookie file" in Netscape that
is ripe for exploitation as a security leak. If you are using a Netscape
server (and you may not even need that), you can feed all sorts of
information into it without the user's knowlege. I have heard of one page
that overloads the cookie file until the machine runs out of drive space. I
am sure that there are other exploitable holes there... Any takers?
| Minister of Forced Caffinization in the DNRC | alano@teleport.com |
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