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Re: First Payments WG Meeting Announcement
FYI- the FSTC E-payment Working Group meeting is happening at the W3 meeting
on the day before the meeting itself. The meeting is being held at the OSF
>The World Wide Web Consortium is holding a Workshop on payments. The workshop
>is intended to be a small, technically oriented meeting of its payments working
>group. Although it is a members only event I am willing to listen to special
>pleading, alternatively companies may wish to join the consortium at our
>extreemely reasonable rates. See http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/Consortium/ for
>Phillip M. Hallam-Baker Not speaking for anoyone else
>hallam@w3.org http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/People/hallam.html
>Information Superhighway -----> Hi-ho! Yow! I'm surfing Arpanet!
>ANNOUNCE: First W3C Payments WG Meeting, October 11
>What: 1st W3C Payment WG Meeting
>Where: MIT EECS, Grier Room 34-401 (subject to change)
>When: Wednesday October 11, 9am - 5pm
>Who: W3C Member Representatives ONLY
>URL: First W3C Payments WG Meeting
>W3C is making progress on supporting electronic payments on the web. This WG
>Meeting has been called to foster discussion and feedback between W3C and
>its members. Discussion will focus on proposals to the W3C for payment
>protocols, interfaces, and e-commerce support.
>The agenda for the electronic payment workshop is still being settled. At
>the current time we have confirmed presentations by VISA, IBM, W3C, and the
>Financial Services Technical Consortium (FSTC). Additional invitations have
>been issued, and suggestions for additional presentations would be welcome.
>Contact Phillip Hallam-Baker (hallam@w3.org) or Jim Miller (JMiller@w3.org)
>with suggestions.
>There is a separate W3C Security WG Meeting at MIT on Tuesday, October 10th.
>Contact Rohit Khare for details (khare@w3.org)
>To RSVP for the Payments WG Meeting, email the coordinator, Phillip
>Hallam-Baker (hallam@w3.org) or call 617/258-5967 by 5 October. This
>workshop is aimed at technologists; please include a brief description of
>any relevant payments work you or your organization are involved in.
>This is a preliminary announcement of the date and time only. We have
>arranged for hotel rooms at the Kendall Square Mariott. To qualify for the
>MIT discount, notify Susan Hardy (susan@w3.org).
>For a review of the Consortium's plans, see W3C's report on Electronic
>Payment Schemes and the Third W3C Security Workshop.
T. S. Glassey
Chief Technologist
Looking Glass Technologies
Version: 2.6