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Re: First Payments WG Meeting Announcement
At 15:41 26/09/95, Phillip M. Hallam-Baker wrote:
>The World Wide Web Consortium is holding a Workshop on payments. The workshop
>is intended to be a small, technically oriented meeting of its payments working
>group. Although it is a members only event I am willing to listen to special
>pleading, alternatively companies may wish to join the consortium at our
>extreemely reasonable rates. See http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/Consortium/ for
>Phillip M. Hallam-Baker Not speaking for anoyone else
>hallam@w3.org http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/People/hallam.html
>Information Superhighway -----> Hi-ho! Yow! I'm surfing Arpanet!
>ANNOUNCE: First W3C Payments WG Meeting, October 11
>What: 1st W3C Payment WG Meeting
>Where: MIT EECS, Grier Room 34-401 (subject to change)
>When: Wednesday October 11, 9am - 5pm
All that is extremely fine and an awaited initiative BUT for one point
the EXTREMELY SHORT DELAY and notification!!!!!!
Our company is just in the "joining the consortium" process,
especially because we were expecting such an event.
However, to be able to catch a flight and spend a couple of days at MIT
within less than a fortnight is another matter.
I don't yet know if we will able to attend, and we really would
hate to be unable to attend and participate.
Thus I would urge the Web Consortium to consider postponing this meeting for
at least 2 or 4 weeks so that any interested party is able
to decently cancel other commitments and get prepared for the meeting.
If W3C is really interested in attracting all interested party,
it would be fair as I suspect we are not the only ones with
Please let me know as soon as if this is possible or if
I must as soon as possible try to change my agenda.
-- PAP
PAP: paul-andre.pays@gctech.edelWeb.fr
tel: +33 1 34 52 00 88 fax: +33 1 34 52 25 26
GC Tech "The Globe Online and Globe ID Technology Company"
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