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First Payments WG Meeting Announcement

The World Wide Web Consortium is holding a Workshop on payments. The workshop
is intended to be a small, technically oriented meeting of its payments working
group. Although it is a members only event I am willing to listen to special
pleading, alternatively companies may wish to join the consortium at our
extreemely reasonable rates. See http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/Consortium/ for

Phillip M. Hallam-Baker            Not speaking for anoyone else
hallam@w3.org http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/People/hallam.html
Information Superhighway -----> Hi-ho! Yow! I'm surfing Arpanet!
ANNOUNCE: First W3C Payments WG Meeting, October 11


What: 1st W3C Payment WG Meeting

Where: MIT EECS, Grier Room 34-401 (subject to change)

When: Wednesday October 11, 9am - 5pm

Who: W3C Member Representatives ONLY

URL: First W3C Payments WG Meeting

W3C is making progress on supporting electronic payments on the web. This WG
Meeting has been called to foster discussion and feedback between W3C and
its members. Discussion will focus on proposals to the W3C for payment
protocols, interfaces, and e-commerce support.

The agenda for the electronic payment workshop is still being settled. At
the current time we have confirmed presentations by VISA, IBM, W3C, and the
Financial Services Technical Consortium (FSTC). Additional invitations have
been issued, and suggestions for additional presentations would be welcome.
Contact Phillip Hallam-Baker (hallam@w3.org) or Jim Miller (JMiller@w3.org)
with suggestions.

There is a separate W3C Security WG Meeting at MIT on Tuesday, October 10th.
Contact Rohit Khare for details (khare@w3.org)

To RSVP for the Payments WG Meeting, email the coordinator, Phillip
Hallam-Baker (hallam@w3.org) or call 617/258-5967 by 5 October. This
workshop is aimed at technologists; please include a brief description of
any relevant payments work you or your organization are involved in.

This is a preliminary announcement of the date and time only. We have
arranged for hotel rooms at the Kendall Square Mariott. To qualify for the
MIT discount, notify Susan Hardy (susan@w3.org).

For a review of the Consortium's plans, see W3C's report on Electronic
Payment Schemes and the Third W3C Security Workshop.