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Re: Netscape for Linux?

In article <199509251135.HAA13693@frankenstein.piermont.com>, perry@piermont.com (Perry E. Metzger) writes:

> Jeff Weinstein writes:
> > > ... would be nice if we could get 128 bit keys, though ... (hint,
> > > hint).
> > 
> > We are working this issue with the government.  As soon as we can
> > make it available for download we will.

> In other words, we will never see it in our lifetimes -- the
> bureaucreeps aren't known for promoting the spread of strong crypto.

  Where did I imply that if the govt. ignored us or said no that we
would meekly go away with tail between legs?

> By the by, are you guys going to be taking any action vis a vis the
> discovery of weak keys in RC4?

  We are talking to RSA about this, since our crypto code is based
on BSAFE code we got from them.


Jeff Weinstein - Electronic Munitions Specialist
Netscape Communication Corporation
jsw@netscape.com - http://home.netscape.com/people/jsw
Any opinions expressed above are mine.