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Re: getting netscape to support the remailers
That was what I was thinking as well. I am confused by
Netscape's java support though.. I haven't seen very many details. Is
netscape going to only support applets or can you add stuff to the
runtime as well? In order to use jcrypt one needs access to add stuff
to the runtime I beleive.
> > I started thinking about what it would take to get Netscape
> > to support sending mail through the remailers, after having
> > read the S/MIME specs which Netscape 2.0 is apparently going to
> > support. Perhaps with enough browbeating Netscape 3.0 will support
> > the remailers.
> Netscape doesn't need to support remailers explicitly since Netscape will be
> supporting Java. I think a remailer client is within Java's capabilities...
> Anyone disagree?
> andrew
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