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not a flame please re

A|i know this is unpopular but i wish someone would respond the the points

        You're going out of your way to be an asshole and you're
        surprised that you're being attacked?

        If you don't want to be flamed, turn off the flamethrower,
        shut down the bulldozer, and use a reasonable tone.

 |rather than flaming me. pat farrel is the only one of you with the balz
 |to try to defend himself insead of attacking me. and you attack me for
 |being anon. i love it. cypherpunks yea right.

        Anonymous doesn't mean anything except that you don't have
        the "balz" to stand up for the beliefs you're espousing.

A|wei dai patents algorithms - for microsoft!!!!. that should
 |fucking help us a lot. whos he gonna sue first?

        If the patents aren't valid, they won't stick.  What are
        you bitching about?

A|according to sci.crypt mat blaze can prove that clipper has no back
 |door. right. that sure helps us. david sternlights new hero.

        Maybe it doesn't.  Not that it matters.  The only reasonable
        working assumption for Clipper (or anything like it) is that
        it _does_ have at least one back door and that it will be
        abused.  What's new about this?  Again, what are you bitching
        about?  Sternlight's an idiot, use your head.

A|pat farrel signs up with the nsa to make the key escrow rules easier
 |for us morons to understand. hey thanks. maybe theyll give you a
 |nicer room in the concentration kamp.

        <shrug>  I'm not going to participate in an escrow no
        matter how easily the rules are understood.  I'm not
        going to participate for any reason.  But I can feel
        that way without jumping down Farrell's throat over
        it.  After all, he's not my spokesman.

A|a whole shitload of socalled cypherpunks jumping over each other to help and
 |defend him.

        That's not what I saw.  I saw a whole shitload of cypherpunks
        jumping over each other attacking you, not defending him.

A|bruce schneier is copyrighting crypt programs and
 |threatining to sue people who use it.

        So?  His programs, his rules.  If you used one of my programs
        without a license, I'd sue you, too.

A|even phil zimmerman is selling the rights to pgp. what about all the people w
 | contributed code (like me). not a dime for us because phil is famous
 |and your not alowed to say anythingn bad about him. sorry i forgot phil is go
 |no one dares to complain. ask phil about me and when i asked about sharing
 |profits from the code i conrtibuted. also about the deal with

        You weren't expecting money when you contributed code.  What

A|lets get back to being punks. fuck these traitors. do crypto and fuck the nsa

        Random defiance won't get you anywhere you want to be.

   : furi@the-matrix.com |   pgp-public-key@demon.co.uk   | LIVE LION ALERT
   : 2.6.2 1024/C1225CE1 | 38 11 7C 59 FB F3 7C C0  F7 E9 67 1F AF B8 2D 94
                 PGP: When it's none of their damned business.
 � SPEED 2.00 #2640 �