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A message from Joe Six-Pack

Well, the original sender of this is actually anything but "Joe
Six-Pack"; his taste in beer is well-developed, and he's no moron.
This is, however, an interesting take on the Netscape thing from a
non-cypherpunk.  He came across the Community ConneXion press release
and responded:

------- start of forwarded message (RFC 934 encapsulation) -------
Subject: Re: Fwd: HackNetscape promotion (fwd)

>For Immediate Release 
>Contact: sameer@c2.org 510-601-9777 
>Sept 19 1995 - Community ConneXion ...

Am I the only one who finds this silly?

All this fuss about credit card encryption is such BS.  My totally
unencrypted credit card number is in the hands of brain-dead minimum-wage
waitrons and green-haired retail clerks dozens of times a week with no
encryption.  Gas station attendants, restaurant clerks, supermarkets and
banks have the number, and an unscrupulous type could use it and hose me at
any time.  I've had credit cards for 15 years and nothing like that has ever
happened.  If it does, I'm out $50 and a bunch of pain in the butt phone calls.

So the thought of some geek with a LAN sniffer and too much time on his
hands sucking simply encrypted numbers off the internet does not exactly
make my heart go pitter-pat.

| Nobody's going to listen to you if you just | Mike McNally (m5@tivoli.com) |
| stand there and flap your arms like a fish. | Tivoli Systems, Austin TX    |