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Ray Cromwell writes:
> WOW!! Unbelievable! Stop the presses! I Can't believe no one ever discovered
> this before! Try a page with the following URL
> <a href="mailto:blah@foo.com|xterm&"> test </a>
> Muahaha! Yet another security hole! Clicking on this mailto brings up
> an xterm on my machine!  

This is curious, because Netscape 1.1N doesn't do this on my setup, unless I
misunderstand your description somehow. The full string including the pipe
and all come up in the To: field of the standard Netscape mailer window. At
that stage I see it as much less of a potential risk. I can't test what
happens if you actually try to send mail to such a trojan horse URL, because
there's some screwy configuration here that makes Netscape complain about
not being able to connect to localhost (!?!) when I try to send mail from it.

Mosaic 2.4 gives a standard warning page in response to this.

(I'm using SunOS 4.1.2)

-Futplex <futplex@pseudonym.com>